Commit d97d01f8 authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

share rmtree from cli/prune with slapgrid and use it to drop partition

parent f3b88846
Pipeline #9814 failed with stage
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......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import six.moves.configparser as configparser
from slapos.cli.config import ConfigCommand
from slapos.grid.slapgrid import merged_options
from slapos.util import rmtree
class PruneCommand(ConfigCommand):
......@@ -229,53 +230,3 @@ def getUsageSignatureFromSoftwareAndSharedPart(
with open(shared_signature) as f:
signatures[shared_signature] =
return signatures
# XXX copied from
# TODO: move to shared place or ... isn't there already such an utility function in slapos.core ?
import shutil
import errno
import six
from six.moves import map
except NameError: # make pylint happy on python2...
PermissionError = Exception
def rmtree(path):
"""Delete a path recursively.
Like shutil.rmtree, but supporting the case that some files or folder
might have been marked read only. """
def chmod_retry(func, failed_path, exc_info):
"""Make sure the directories are executable and writable.
# Depending on the Python version, the following items differ.
if six.PY3:
expected_error_type = PermissionError
expected_func = os.lstat
expected_error_type = OSError
expected_func = os.listdir
e = exc_info[1]
if isinstance(e, expected_error_type):
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
# because we are calling again rmtree on listdir errors, this path might
# have been already deleted by the recursive call to rmtree.
if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
if func is expected_func:
os.chmod(failed_path, 0o700)
# corner case to handle errors in listing directories.
return shutil.rmtree(failed_path, onerror=chmod_retry)
# If parent directory is not writable, we still cannot delete the file.
# But make sure not to change the parent of the folder we are deleting.
if failed_path != path:
os.chmod(os.path.dirname(failed_path), 0o700)
return func(failed_path)
raise e # XXX make pylint happy
shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=chmod_retry)
# / erp5/util/testnode/ code
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ from slapos.grid.exception import (BuildoutFailedError, WrongPermissionError,
PathDoesNotExistError, DiskSpaceError)
from slapos.grid.networkcache import download_network_cached, upload_network_cached
from slapos.human import bytes2human
from slapos.util import bytes2str
from slapos.util import bytes2str, rmtree
WATCHDOG_MARK = '-on-watch'
......@@ -354,17 +354,10 @@ class Software(object):
def destroy(self):
"""Removes software release."""
def retry(func, path, exc):
# inspired by slapos.buildout hard remover
if func == os.path.islink:
os.chmod(path, 0o600)
if os.path.exists(self.software_path):'Removing path %r' % self.software_path)
shutil.rmtree(self.software_path, onerror=retry)
else:'Path %r does not exists, no need to remove.' %
......@@ -39,6 +39,14 @@ import six
from six.moves.urllib import parse
import hashlib
import netaddr
import shutil
except NameError: # make pylint happy on python2...
PermissionError = Exception
def mkdir_p(path, mode=0o700):
......@@ -221,3 +229,39 @@ def _addIpv6Brackets(url):
api_netloc = '%s:%s' % (api_netloc, port)
url = parse.urlunsplit((api_scheme, api_netloc, api_path, api_query, api_fragment))
return url
def rmtree(path):
"""Delete a path recursively.
Like shutil.rmtree, but supporting the case that some files or folder
might have been marked read only. """
def chmod_retry(func, failed_path, exc_info):
"""Make sure the directories are executable and writable.
# Depending on the Python version, the following items differ.
if six.PY3:
expected_error_type = PermissionError
expected_func = os.lstat
expected_error_type = OSError
expected_func = os.listdir
e = exc_info[1]
if isinstance(e, expected_error_type):
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
# because we are calling again rmtree on listdir errors, this path might
# have been already deleted by the recursive call to rmtree.
if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
if func is expected_func:
os.chmod(failed_path, 0o700)
# corner case to handle errors in listing directories.
return shutil.rmtree(failed_path, onerror=chmod_retry)
# If parent directory is not writable, we still cannot delete the file.
# But make sure not to change the parent of the folder we are deleting.
if failed_path != path:
os.chmod(os.path.dirname(failed_path), 0o700)
return func(failed_path)
raise e # XXX make pylint happy
shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=chmod_retry)
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