1. 12 Aug, 2011 3 commits
    • Łukasz Nowak's avatar
      Implement lower level tests. · 771aa3d7
      Łukasz Nowak authored
    • Łukasz Nowak's avatar
      Switch to own exception. · 33e4b989
      Łukasz Nowak authored
      Instead of raising ValueError, which is used all the time, except
      DisconnectedSoftwareTree exception.
      It allows to have selective detection of software instance problem and allows
      to test what exactly was told.
    • Łukasz Nowak's avatar
      Implement protection against orphaned software instances. · 9a8fc64a
      Łukasz Nowak authored
      Treat tree of software instance as graph and simulate requested changes.
      Before doing any real changes check if graph is still connected.
      Add utility method to software instance class in order to use collections
      module and have fast graph walking.
  2. 10 Aug, 2011 7 commits
  3. 09 Aug, 2011 17 commits
  4. 08 Aug, 2011 13 commits