Commit 6a9c7891 authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier 🚴🏼

playbook: remove rsyslogd special config

This config was sending all logs to localhost:42185 in UDP but nothing
was listening on this port (it was supposed to be fluentd to aggregate
logs in Wendelin).

This was actually creating a weird scenario where qemu was temporarily
listening on UDP on localhost:42185 and receive the packet from
rsyslogd (which was transmitted to the guest machine and considered a
martian packet there)
parent 46eb9c6d
Pipeline #30516 failed with stage
--- ---
- name: Make rsyslogd listen on localhost - name: Remove deprecated config of rsyslogd
lineinfile: line="*.* @" dest=/etc/rsyslog.conf lineinfile: line="*.* @" dest=/etc/rsyslog.conf state=absent
when: ansible_os_family != "Debian" or ansible_distribution_major_version|int < 12 when: ansible_os_family != "Debian" or ansible_distribution_major_version|int < 12
notify: [ 'Restart rsyslogd' ] notify: [ 'Restart rsyslogd' ]
19310c6a48feace42334ee3a956be1934a32cecc2411063aedc8445bef0fc599 - d26ec3ea608b4bc23a525061b6081c30b86e1076faf45c35880d0568e8d1a00f -
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