Commit cfa06942 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

Feature/promise check surykatka json

/reviewed-on !72
parent 7ae224cb
Pipeline #7064 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
from zope.interface import implementer
from slapos.grid.promise import interface
from slapos.grid.promise.generic import GenericPromise
import datetime
import email.utils
import json
import os
import time
class RunPromise(GenericPromise):
def __init__(self, config):
super(RunPromise, self).__init__(config)
# Set frequency compatible to default surykatka interval - 2 minutes
self.setPeriodicity(float(self.getConfig('frequency', 2)))
def senseBotStatus(self):
key = 'bot_status'
def logError(msg, *args):
self.logger.error(key + ': ' + msg, *args)
if key not in self.surykatka_json:
logError("%r not in %r", key, self.json_file)
bot_status_list = self.surykatka_json[key]
if len(bot_status_list) == 0:
logError("%r empty in %r", key, self.json_file)
bot_status = bot_status_list[0]
if bot_status.get('text') != 'loop':
logError("No type loop detected in %r", self.json_file)
timetuple = email.utils.parsedate(bot_status['date'])
last_bot_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(timetuple))
delta = self.utcnow - last_bot_datetime
# sanity check
if delta < datetime.timedelta(minutes=0):
logError('Last bot datetime %s is in future, UTC now %s',
last_bot_datetime, self.utcnow)
if delta > datetime.timedelta(minutes=15):
logError('Last bot datetime %s is more than 15 minutes old, UTC now %s',
last_bot_datetime, self.utcnow)
'%s: Last bot status from %s ok, UTC now is %s',
key, last_bot_datetime, self.utcnow)
def senseHttpQuery(self):
key = 'http_query'
def logError(msg, *args):
self.logger.error(key + ': ' + msg, *args)
if key not in self.surykatka_json:
logError("%r not in %r", key, self.json_file)
url = self.getConfig('url')
status_code = self.getConfig('status-code')
ip_list = self.getConfig('ip-list', '').split()
entry_list = [q for q in self.surykatka_json[key] if q['url'] == url]
if len(entry_list) == 0:
logError('No data for %r', url)
error_list = []
for entry in entry_list:
if str(entry['status_code']) != str(status_code):
'IP %s got status code %s instead of %s' % (
entry['ip'], entry['status_code'], status_code))
db_ip_list = [q['ip'] for q in entry_list]
if len(ip_list):
if set(ip_list) != set(db_ip_list):
'expected IPs %s differes from got %s' % (
' '.join(ip_list), ' '.join(db_ip_list)))
if len(error_list):
logError('Problem with %s: ' % (url,) + ', '.join(error_list))
if len(ip_list) > 0:
'%s: %s replied correctly with status code %s on ip list %s',
key, url, status_code, ' '.join(ip_list))
'%s: %s replied correctly with status code %s',
key, url, status_code)
def sense(self):
Check if frontend URL is available
test_utcnow = self.getConfig('test-utcnow')
if test_utcnow:
self.utcnow = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
self.utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
self.json_file = self.getConfig('json-file', '')
if not os.path.exists(self.json_file):
self.logger.error('File %r does not exists', self.json_file)
with open(self.json_file) as fh:
self.surykatka_json = json.load(fh)
except Exception:
self.logger.error("Problem loading JSON from %r", self.json_file)
report = self.getConfig('report')
if report == 'bot_status':
return self.senseBotStatus()
elif report == 'http_query':
return self.senseHttpQuery()
self.logger.error("Report %r is not supported", report)
def anomaly(self):
return self._test(result_count=3, failure_amount=3)
This diff is collapsed.
  • Sorry for this commit message. Unfortunately !72 (merged) used pipelines, and after clicking Apply patch there, it took message from the merge request, instead of the commit.

  • I think this is how Apply patch works, regardless of whether pipelines are used or not. If there's only one commit, when you Apply patch the commit on master will use the merge request description as commit message, not the commit message of the commit.

    Or did you merge while test is running ? Maybe our Apply patch work does not understand this situation: image

  • I think this is how Apply patch works, regardless of whether pipelines are used or not. If there's only one commit, when you Apply patch the commit on master will use the merge request description as commit message, not the commit message of the commit.

    Hm... Maybe you're right, I do not have often only one-commit MRs. Can it be changed to by default the commit message, not the MR? Or at least have an option?

  • There's option to change the commit message when applying patch, but not to "use the commit message"

    It's not easy to change, it's some nexedi patches to gitlab ( some time ago we fixed a bug with our patches in gitlab-ce!4 (merged) it's not related but you can see where is this code ). It's not option in gitlab config, the option exist, but in gitlab "enterprise edition". I'm not sure but I think in latest version of gitlab the enterprise edition features were merged in the community edition.

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