• Jérome Perrin's avatar
    slaprunner: fix slapos-software parameter usage · a8cb408d
    Jérome Perrin authored
    It was applied by the combination of [slapos-repo] that checkouts master
    branch and [slapos-repo-config] that checkouts
    $${slap-parameter:slapos-software} branch afterwards.
    When instance profile runs for the second time, [slapos-repo] resets to
    master and [slapos-repo-config] does nothing.
    This fix consists in using directly $${slap-parameter:slapos-software}
    in [slapos-repo].
    [slapos-repo-config] was also setting up .project, this is still the
    case and the section was renamed to [instance-software] for
instance-runner.cfg 24.2 KB