• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    gitlab: Slapos'ify gitlab config updates · 468d7934
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    Slapos'ify config updates brought by sync with omnibus-gitlab (see merge
    in the previous patch). Changes:
    - default visibility levels gone away (see merge commit and
      https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/commit/b5ebbab3 )
    - there are new settings for GitLab Pages and Elasticsearch, which are EE
      only and thus we do not support them.
    - there are new settings for auxiliary cron-like jobs, which we do not
      support for now, since they are used either for CI (not supported by
      us) or EE features.
    Configuration files that were synced, but did not changed are also
    marked as updated, so it is easier to track their changes to upstream in
    the future.
    /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
gitlab-shell-config.yml.in 2.38 KB