Commit 149ece1c authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé


parent fc1e302d
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ md5sum = 1bd4ed3240f81ce5ff5a55e79366a3f4
filename = instance-ors.cfg
md5sum = 13d378450f8b8a57639336e72dcd3411
md5sum = 0a51b2a7c3bac8d4131e2174e3a669f2
_update_hash_filename_ = slaplte.jinja2
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ init =
a, b, c = coefficients
return (2 * (x - c)) / (math.sqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * (c - x)) + b)
default_rx_gain = DEFAULTS['*']['rx_gain'] + 20
default_rx_gain = DEFAULTS['*']['rx_gain']
tx_power_dbm = options['configuration'].get('tx_power_dbm' , DEFAULTS['*']['tx_power_dbm'])
tx_gain = dbm_to_gain(DEFAULTS[band]['tx_interpolation_coefficients'][ors_version], tx_power_dbm)
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ init =
'tx-gain' : tx_gain,
'tx-power' : tx_power_s,
'rx-gain' : options['configuration'].get('rx_gain' , default_rx_gain ),
'rx-gain' : options['configuration'].get('rx_gain' , default_rx_gain ) + 20,
'earfcn' : options['configuration'].get('dl_earfcn' , default_earfcn ),
'nr-arfcn': options['configuration'].get('dl_nr_arfcn', default_nr_arfcn),
'nr-band' : options['configuration'].get('nr_band' , default_nr_band ),
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