Commit 22a41ae2 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into zope4py2

parents 814747a2 0cf70a6e
Pipeline #25621 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -81,6 +81,18 @@ md5sum = 4476707f05cf6915ec1173038dc357a9
environment-extra =
<= golang-common
url =
md5sum = e2caa7c4de49aa77a14c694bfc9a5cd1
# go1.18 needs go1.4 or go1.17 to bootstrap.
# We use go1.4 to reduce the amount of components which
# need to be installed. See following note for rationale:
environment-extra =
# ---- infrastructure to build Go workspaces / projects ----
# gowork is the top-level section that defines Go workspace.
......@@ -140,7 +152,7 @@ bin = ${gowork.dir:bin}
depends = ${gowork.goinstall:recipe}
# go version used for the workspace (possible to override in applications)
golang = ${golang1.17:location}
golang = ${golang1.18:location}
# no special build flags by default
buildflags =
......@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ revision = v1.17.3-0-g24a552b90b
# Fails with current default golang1.18
golang = ${golang1.17:location}
install =
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ md5sum = b95084ae9eed95a68eada45e28ef0c04
filename =
md5sum = a75e8cf8fd664de164a88a680ddd2c9e
md5sum = 74979d6743cdc7ce3d2f17680115458d
filename =
......@@ -102,4 +102,4 @@ md5sum = 5cf0316fdd17a940031e4083bbededd8
filename =
md5sum = eb4be2669a9a56187cc4366272e11d18
md5sum = 0f921643a68e3a8de5529d653710ddca
{# instance that runs WCFS service associated with ZODB storage #}
{% from "instance_zodb_base" import zodb_dict with context %}
{# q(text) returns urllib.quote_plus(text) #}
{% macro q(text) %}{{ urllib_parse.quote_plus(text) }}{% endmacro %}
{# build zurl to connect to configured ZODB #}
{% if len(zodb_dict) != 1 -%}
......@@ -12,15 +14,18 @@
{% if zodb['type'] == 'zeo' -%}
{% set zurl = ('zeo://%s?storage=%s' % (z['server'], z['storage'])) -%}
{% elif zodb['type'] == 'neo' -%}
{% set zurl = ('neo://%s@%s' % (z.pop('name'), z.pop('master_nodes'))) -%}
{% set argv = [] -%}
{% set i = 0 -%}
{% for k,v in z|dictsort -%}
{% do argv.append('%s=%s' % (k,v)) -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% if len(argv) > 0 -%}
{% set zurl = zurl + '&' + '?'.join(argv) -%}
{# neo(s)://[credentials@]master1,master2,...,masterN/name?options #}
{# (see #}
{# If 'ca' in storage-dict, ssl is true. #}
{# (see #}
{% if "ca" in z -%}
{# ca=ca.crt;cert=my.crt;key=my.key (see #}
{% set zurl = 'neos://ca=%s;cert=%s;key=%s@' % (q(z.pop("ca")), q(z.pop("cert")), q(z.pop("key"))) -%}
{% else -%}
{% set zurl = 'neo://' -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set zurl = ('%s%s/%s' % (zurl, z.pop('master_nodes'), z.pop('name'))) -%}
{% set zurl = zurl + '?' + (z | dictsort | urlencode) -%}
{% else -%}
{% do assert(False, ("unsupported ZODB type", zodb)) -%}
{% endif -%}
......@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ url = {{ instance_wcfs_cfg_in }}
filename = instance_wcfs.cfg
extra-context =
section parameter_dict dynamic-template-zope-parameters
import urllib_parse six.moves.urllib.parse
import-list =
file instance_zodb_base context:template-zodb-base
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