Commit 2c739e76 authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

Merge branch 'erp5'

parents 9563f965 9e672906
......@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ extra-context =
< = template-jinja2-base
filename = instance-memcached.cfg
md5sum = 2de1801236eb78651ecfd50ada46dd3b
md5sum = 346c864c1f119360eddb5e163f16d4f3
extra-context =
key dash_location dash:location
key dcron_location dcron:location
......@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ inotifyx = 0.2.0
ipdb = 0.7
ipython = 0.13.1
meld3 = 0.6.10
mr.developer = 1.24
mr.developer = 1.25
netaddr = 0.7.10
netifaces = 0.8
ordereddict = 1.1
......@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ pyPdf = 1.13
pyflakes = 0.6.1
python-ldap = 2.4.10
python-magic = 0.4.3
qrcode = 2.4.2
qrcode = 2.5.1
requests = 1.1.0
restkit = 4.2.1
rtjp-eventlet = 0.3.2
......@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ recipe = slapos.cookbook:generic.kumofs
# Network options
ip = ${slap-network-information:local-ipv4}
manager-port = 13101
server-port = 13201
server-listen-port = 13202
manager-port = 13401
server-port = 13501
server-listen-port = 13502
# previous memcached configuration
gateway-port = 11000
# previous memcached configuration
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