Commit 567ee7fd authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé


parent 8e932a8b
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ md5sum = dd4dd35e440380286c09c7f2338d07f6
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-ors-enb.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = d9331deb8b9bb66295159b0199a8ed7f
md5sum = 2602837dd1e6f968ef19c9e646bfcd93
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-ors-ue.jinja2.cfg
......@@ -216,32 +216,32 @@ ors = {{ dumps(ors_version) }}
# add ORS-specific bits to published information
ors-version = {{ ors_version['ors-version'] }}
frequency-range-rating = {{ ors_version['range'] }}
tx-power = {{ ors_version['tx-power'] }}
rx-gain = {{ ors_version['rx-gain'] }}
cell-id = {{ slapparameter_dict['cell_id'] }}
physical-cell-id = {{ slapparameter_dict['pci'] }}
root-sequence-index = {{ slapparameter_dict['root_sequence_index'] }}
ors-frequency-range-rating = {{ ors_version['range'] }}
ors-tx-power = {{ ors_version['tx-power'] }}
ors-rx-gain = {{ ors_version['rx-gain'] }}
ors-root-sequence-index = {{ slapparameter_dict['root_sequence_index'] }}
ors-id-cell-id = {{ slapparameter_dict['cell_id'] }}
ors-id-physical-cell = {{ slapparameter_dict['pci'] }}
{%- if enb_mode == "enb" %}
enb-id = {{ slapparameter_dict['enb_id'] }}
eutra-cell-id = {{ ors_id['eutra_cell_id'] }}
ors-id-enb = {{ slapparameter_dict['enb_id'] }}
ors-id-eutra-cell = {{ ors_id['eutra_cell_id'] }}
{%- else %}
gnb-id = {{ slapparameter_dict['gnb_id'] }}
nr-cell-id = {{ ors_id['nr_cell_id'] }}
ors-id-gnb = {{ slapparameter_dict['gnb_id'] }}
ors-id-nr-cell = {{ ors_id['nr_cell_id'] }}
{%- endif %}
{%- if enb_mode == 'enb' %}
frequency = {{ xearfcn_module.frequency(ors_version['earfcn']) }} MHz
band = {{['earfcn'])[0]["band"] }}
earfcn = {{ ors_version['earfcn'] }}
ors-frequency = {{ xearfcn_module.frequency(ors_version['earfcn']) }} MHz
ors-band = {{['earfcn'])[0]["band"] }}
ors-earfcn = {{ ors_version['earfcn'] }}
{%- elif enb_mode == 'gnb' %}
frequency = {{ xnrarfcn_module.frequency(ors_version['nr-arfcn']) }} MHz
nr-band = {{ ors_version['nr-band'] }}
nr-arfcn = {{ ors_version['nr-arfcn'] }}
ors-frequency = {{ xnrarfcn_module.frequency(ors_version['nr-arfcn']) }} MHz
ors-nr-band = {{ ors_version['nr-band'] }}
ors-nr-arfcn = {{ ors_version['nr-arfcn'] }}
{%- if slapparameter_dict.get('ssb_nr_arfcn', False) %}
ssb-nr-arfcn = {{ slapparameter_dict['ssb_nr_arfcn'] }}
ors-ssb-nr-arfcn = {{ slapparameter_dict['ssb_nr_arfcn'] }}
{%- else %}
{%- set ssb_nr_arfcn, max_ssb_scs_khz = xnrarfcn_module.dl2ssb(ors_version['nr-arfcn'], ors_version['nr-band']) %}
ssb-nr-arfcn = {{ ssb_nr_arfcn | tojson }}
ors-ssb-nr-arfcn = {{ ssb_nr_arfcn | tojson }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
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