Commit 5bb22694 authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

replication-manager requires golang 1.13

parent d12cf70e
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ parts =
golang = ${golang1.12:location}
golang = ${golang1.13:location}
install =
buildflags = -v --tags server --ldflags "-extldflags 'static' -w -s -X main.GoOS=linux -X main.GoArch=amd64 -X main.Version=2.1 -X main.FullVersion=$FULLVERSION -X main.Build=$(date +%FT%T%z) -X main.WithProvisioning=ON -X main.WithOpenSVC=OFF -X main.WithHaproxy=ON -X main.WithMaxscale=ON -X main.WithMariadbshardproxy=ON -X main.WithProxysql=ON -X main.WithSphinx=ON -X main.WithArbitration=OFF -X main.WithArbitrationClient=ON -X main.WithMonitoring=ON -X main.WithHttp=ON -X main.WithBackup=ON -X main.WithMail=ON -X main.WithEnforce=ON -X main.WithDeprecate=ON"
gcc-bin-directory = ${golang1.12:gcc-bin-directory}
gcc-bin-directory = ${golang1.13:gcc-bin-directory}
depends_gitfetch =
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