Commit 6c7e59d6 authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

stack/erp5: version up Zope 2.13.30.

parent 4ec4201b
Pipeline #9139 passed with stage
......@@ -733,7 +733,6 @@ = 3.5.1 = 4.0.2
et-xmlfile = 1.0.1
more-itertools = 5.0.0
h5py = 2.7.1
mpmath = 0.19
openpyxl = 2.4.8
......@@ -763,8 +762,6 @@ parso = 0.5.1
yapf = 0.28.0
typing =
# Required by:
# erp5.util==0.4.65
z3c.etestbrowser = 3.0.1
Zope2 = 2.13.29
Zope2 = 2.13.30
AccessControl = 2.13.16
Acquisition = 2.13.12
DateTime = 2.12.8
DocumentTemplate = 2.13.4
DocumentTemplate = 2.13.6
ExtensionClass = 2.13.2
Jinja2 = 2.8.1
MarkupSafe = 1.1.1
Missing = 2.13.1
MultiMapping = 2.13.0
Paste =
......@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ Persistence = 2.13.2
Products.BTreeFolder2 = 2.13.5
Products.ExternalMethod = 2.13.1
Products.MIMETools = 2.13.0
Products.MailHost = 2.13.2
Products.MailHost = 2.13.4
Products.OFSP = 2.13.2
Products.PythonScripts = 2.13.2
Products.Sessions = 3.0
......@@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ Products.StandardCacheManagers = 2.13.1
Products.TemporaryFolder = 3.0
Products.ZCTextIndex = 2.13.5
Products.ZCatalog = 2.13.30
Pygments = 2.3.1
Record = 2.13.0
RestrictedPython = 3.6.0
Sphinx = 1.0.8
......@@ -31,22 +31,35 @@ ZConfig = 2.9.3
ZODB3 = 3.10.7
ZServer = 3.0
ZopeUndo = 2.12.0
appdirs = 1.4.3
configparser = 4.0.2
contextlib2 = 0.6.0.post1
distlib = 0.3.0
docutils = 0.12
filelock = 3.0.10
filelock = 3.0.12
importlib-metadata = 1.3.0
importlib-resources = 1.0.2
initgroups = 2.13.0
mechanize = 0.2.5
more-itertools = 5.0.0
mr.developer = 1.34
pluggy = 0.8.1
py = 1.7.0
packaging = 20.1
pathlib2 = 2.3.5
pluggy = 0.13.1
py = 1.8.1
pyparsing = 2.4.6
pytz = 2017.2
repoze.retry = 1.2
repoze.tm2 = 1.0
repoze.who = 2.0
six = 1.12.0
scandir = 1.10.0
six = 1.14.0
tempstorage = 2.12.2
toml = 0.10.0
tox = 3.7.0
tox = 3.14.4
transaction = 1.1.1
typing =
virtualenv = 20.0.4
z3c.checkversions = 1.1
zExceptions = 2.13.0
zLOG = 2.11.2
......@@ -55,6 +68,7 @@ zc.lockfile = 1.0.2
zc.recipe.egg = 2.0.5
zc.recipe.testrunner = 1.2.1
zdaemon = 2.0.7
zipp = 0.6.0
zope.annotation = 3.5.0
zope.broken = 3.6.0
zope.browser = 1.3
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