Commit 7a9fc4ee authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

gitlab fixes

parent 87a64387
...@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ md5sum = 0bec1b52f6345024a76ee9a18d98e752 ...@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ md5sum = 0bec1b52f6345024a76ee9a18d98e752
[] []
_update_hash_filename_ = template/ _update_hash_filename_ = template/
md5sum = 72171b2a3628be79f4b57f8249c64882 md5sum = dc59332e44fb3ac9f30251b938f50ebd
[] []
_update_hash_filename_ = template/ _update_hash_filename_ = template/
...@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ production: &base ...@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ production: &base
workhorse: workhorse:
# File that contains the secret key for verifying access for gitlab-workhorse. # File that contains the secret key for verifying access for gitlab-workhorse.
# secret_file: {{ gitlab_workhorse.secret }} secret_file: {{ gitlab_workhorse.secret }}
## Git settings ## Git settings
{{ autogenerated }}
# see:
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.7.9+ce.1-0-gf589ad7)
{% from '' import cfg with context %}
# What ports/sockets to listen on, and what options for them.
# we listen only on unix socket
listen "{{ unicorn.socket }}", :backlog => {{ cfg('unicorn_backlog_socket') }}
#listen "", :tcp_nopush => true
# Where to drop a pidfile
pid '{{ }}/'
# Where stderr gets logged
stderr_path '{{ unicorn.log }}/unicorn_stderr.log'
# Where stdout gets logged
stdout_path '{{ unicorn.log }}/unicorn_stdout.log'
working_directory '{{ gitlab_work.location }}'
# What the timeout for killing busy workers is, in seconds
timeout {{ cfg('unicorn_worker_timeout') }}
# How many worker processes
worker_processes {{ cfg('unicorn_worker_processes') }}
# combine Ruby 2.0.0dev or REE with "preload_app true" for memory savings
preload_app true
# Enable this flag to have unicorn test client connections by writing the
# beginning of the HTTP headers before calling the application. This
# prevents calling the application for connections that have disconnected
# while queued. This is only guaranteed to detect clients on the same
# host unicorn runs on, and unlikely to detect disconnects even on a
# fast LAN.
check_client_connection false
require_relative '{{ gitlab_work.location }}/lib/gitlab/cluster/lifecycle_events'
require_relative '{{ gitlab_work.location }}/lib/gitlab/log_timestamp_formatter.rb'
before_exec do |server|
# Signal application hooks that we're about to restart
run_once = true
# about before_fork / after_fork - see:
# What to do before we fork a worker
before_fork do |server, worker|
if run_once
# There is a difference between Puma and Unicorn:
# - Puma calls before_fork once when booting up master process
# - Unicorn runs before_fork whenever new work is spawned
# To unify this behavior we call before_fork only once (we use
# this callback for deleting Prometheus files so for our purposes
# it makes sense to align behavior with Puma)
run_once = false
# Signal application hooks that we're about to fork
# The following is only recommended for memory/DB-constrained
# installations. It is not needed if your system can house
# twice as many worker_processes as you have configured.
# This allows a new master process to incrementally
# phase out the old master process with SIGTTOU to avoid a
# thundering herd (especially in the "preload_app false" case)
# when doing a transparent upgrade. The last worker spawned
# will then kill off the old master process with a SIGQUIT.
old_pid = "#{server.config[:pid]}.oldbin"
if old_pid !=
sig = ( + 1) >= server.worker_processes ? :QUIT : :TTOU
rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ESRCH
# Throttle the master from forking too quickly by sleeping. Due
# to the implementation of standard Unix signal handlers, this
# helps (but does not completely) prevent identical, repeated signals
# from being lost when the receiving process is busy.
# sleep 1
after_fork do |server, worker|
# Signal application hooks of worker start
# per-process listener ports for debugging/admin/migrations
# addr = "{9293 +}"
# server.listen(addr, :tries => -1, :delay => 5, :tcp_nopush => true)
# Configure the default logger to use a custom formatter that formats the
# timestamps to be in UTC and in ISO8601.3 format
Configurator::DEFAULTS[:logger].formatter =
{# we do not support Relative url
<%- if @relative_url %>
# Relative url from where GitLab is served
ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT'] = "<%= @relative_url %>"
<%- end %>
# Min memory size (RSS) per worker
ENV['GITLAB_UNICORN_MEMORY_MIN'] = ({{ cfg('unicorn_worker_memory_limit_min') }}).to_s
# Max memory size (RSS) per worker
ENV['GITLAB_UNICORN_MEMORY_MAX'] = ({{ cfg('unicorn_worker_memory_limit_max') }}).to_s
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