Commit 891bd058 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

software/slapos-testing: use gcc 8.5 on python2

SlapOS.Eggs.UnitTest-Master.Python2 also installs old scipy so it needs
old gcc
parent 2f51f1a9
Pipeline #33883 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ parts =
# Always build GCC for Fortran (see openblas).
max_version = 0
# use old gcc version for old scipy version used in python2
part = gcc-8.5
# install our develop version of slapos.recipe.cmmi before anything else,
# otherwise it will be installed from pypi by dependencies.
  • shouldn't this be moved to software-py2.cfg where we define

    part = python2.7


    /cc @kazuhiko

  • or we move this to component/defaults.cfg ?

  • I like this idea of moving it to software-py2.cfg, I did that a bit in an emergency and I forgot about software-py2.cfg. I will do this change unless somebody objects.

    Doing it in component/defaults.cfg seems a bit too much, we might have python2 softwares not using scipy.

  • I think @kazuhiko will do it. He wants to uniformise this setting.

  • If we put [gcc:python2] in component/default.cfg, all py2 SR will be built with gcc 8.5 even if they don't have scipy. So I just modified existing [gcc] for py2 scipy case to [gcc:python2] in dc91e5d4.

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