Commit 99d27453 authored by Killian Lufau's avatar Killian Lufau Committed by Thomas Gambier

version up: babeld hmac-nxd1

The gitclone reciped is used for babeld to get submodules added in
the latest babeld version.
gcc is forced to use `-std=gnu99` because default std has changed
in version 5.1 and we get errors when compiling babeld with older gcc.
parent e8618099
parts = babeld
recipe =
repository =
branch = master
git-executable = ${git:location}/bin/git
revision = hmac-nxd1
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
url =
md5sum = 536cca6abe34eb9faeda8682b80ee7bc
path = ${babeld-repository:location}
make-options = CC='gcc -std=gnu99'
configure-command =
echo "No configure.."
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