Commit cfece124 authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier 🚴🏼

powerdns: fix for several slaves with same origin

the name of constructed records should be unique so use the slave
reference instead of the "origin" parameter to be sure it is unique.

Before this change, if 2 slaves have the same origin parameter
"", we have the following in zone-files.yml:

      - cname:
      - cname:

So only the cname for slave2 will be used.
parent da6b4b56
Pipeline #10506 failed with stage
......@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ md5sum = c4dc8c141d81b92d92cdb82ca67a13ee
_update_hash_filename_ = template/zones-file.yml.jinja2
md5sum = c820a4f53c3e7706f51a5e0be3a8cf74
md5sum = 03037141ad1d3467ae878c9798724f70
......@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ domains:
{%- for slave in slave_instance_list %}
{%- set origin = slave['origin'] %}
{%- set unique_slave_id = slave['slave_reference'] %}
{#- Set the RR to use for each region, as described in
'slave-instance-powerdns-input-schema.json' #}
{%- set rr_dict = {} %}
......@@ -71,8 +73,7 @@ domains:
right RR (thanks to 'rr_dict') #}
{%- for placeholder, code2region in world_split.items() %}
{%- for code, region in code2region.items() %}
{%- set origin = slave['origin'] %}
{{ code }}.{{ placeholder }}.{{ origin }}:
{{ code }}.{{ placeholder }}.{{ unique_slave_id }}:
- cname: {{ disambiguate_domain_name(rr_dict[region], origin) }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
......@@ -81,15 +82,16 @@ domains:
{%- for slave in slave_instance_list %}
{%- set origin = slave['origin'] %}
{%- set unique_slave_id = slave['slave_reference'] %}
{{ disambiguate_domain_name(slave['record'], zone) }}:
{#- Note: Placeholders (i.e. "country." and "continent.") are used to avoid
possible name collisions, e.g.:
- %cc for American Samoa is 'as'
- %cn for Asia is also 'as' #}
default: ['{{ origin }}', '%cn.continent.{{ origin }}', '{{ disambiguate_domain_name(slave['default'], origin) }}']
default: ['{{ unique_slave_id }}', '%cn.continent.{{ unique_slave_id }}', '{{ disambiguate_domain_name(slave['default'], origin) }}']
# Split China's ip addresses according to ISP
{%- for ip_range, country_code in china %}
{{ ip_range }}: {{ country_code }}.country.{{ origin }}
{{ ip_range }}: {{ country_code }}.country.{{ unique_slave_id }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
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