Commit d86ea0a3 authored by Lisa Casino's avatar Lisa Casino

software/html5as-base: deploy monitoring service

parent 4cbe0acd
......@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
filename =
md5sum = 12557dcf27c65acb7474f1d9871ff98c
md5sum = d52a24adf6a4cb1c514b657c63ebf7a5
_update_hash_filename_ =
md5sum = 3db3bfcf07555c884246a2a3a1c11b05
md5sum = c50ad9868f2536d4351ead2b6ccd77cc
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/
......@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ default-parameters =
"title": "Tutorial html5as",
"download_url": "",
"port": 8081
"port": 8081,
"monitor-httpd-port": 8197
......@@ -176,8 +176,16 @@ name =
config-host = ${html5as:ip}
config-port = ${html5as:port}
# Use a port different from the default one in order to be able to
# use it in a SlapOS webrunner or a Theia SlapOS Runner
monitor-httpd-port = {{ parameter_dict['monitor-httpd-port'] }}
# Publish nginx address
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
# By extending monitor publish, all the section deploying monitoring will
# be deployed. The parameters needed for accessing monitoring will be published
<= monitor-publish
server_url = ${html5as:access_url}
title = Title {{ parameter_dict['title'] }}!
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