Commit f01c4e4c authored by Nicolas Wavrant's avatar Nicolas Wavrant

slaprunner: shellinabox now protected by a publish password

parent 760f7179
......@@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ url = https://$${request-frontend:connection-domain}
cloud9_backend_url = $${node-frontend:access-url}
cloud9_url = https://$${request-cloud9-frontend:connection-domain}
ssh_command = ssh $${dropbear-runner-server:host} -p $${dropbear-runner-server:port}
shell_password = $${shellinabox:password}
password_recovery_code = $${recovery-code:passwd}
......@@ -478,16 +479,29 @@ context =
recipe = slapos.cookbook:shellinabox
ipv6 = $${slap-network-information:global-ipv6}
port = 8080
shell = ${bash:location}/bin/bash
shell = $${shell:wrapper}
wrapper = $${directory:bin}/shellinaboxd
shellinabox-binary = ${shellinabox:location}/bin/shellinaboxd
password =
directory = $${buildout:directory}/
password = $${shellinabox-code:passwd}
directory = $${runnerdirectory:home}
login-shell = $${directory:bin}/login
certificate-directory = $${cadirectory:certs}
cert-file = $${ca-shellinabox:cert-file}
key-file = $${ca-shellinabox:key-file}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:generate.password
storage-path = $${directory:etc}/.scode
bytes = 4
recipe = slapos.cookbook:shell
wrapper = $${directory:bin}/sh
shell = ${bash:location}/bin/bash
home = $${runnerdirectory:home}
path = $${environ:PATH}
ps1 = "\\w> "
recipe = collective.recipe.environment
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