software/ors-amarisoft: rename json templates for git pre-commit hook

When using pre-commit hook (the one installed by using `npm install`
from the root of the repository), all .json files are checked to be
valid json and formatted according to the ./format-json rules.

These templates were problematic for this script because they are not
really valid json, so name them .json.jinja2 instead of .jinja2.json so
that they are not selected by the pre-commit hook
9 jobs for 1.0
Status Job ID Name Coverage
failed ERP5.StandaloneDeploymentScriptTest-Debian.Buster

failed ERP5.StandaloneDeploymentScriptTest-Debian.Buster.Master

failed ERP5.StandaloneDeploymentScriptTest-Debian.Stretch

failed SlapOS-Master.StandaloneDeploymentScriptTest-Debian.Buster

failed SlapOS-Master.StandaloneDeploymentScriptTest-Debian.Stretch

failed SlapOS.SoftwareReleases.IntegrationTest-Master

failed Wendelin.StandaloneDeploymentScriptTest-Debian.Buster

failed Wendelin.StandaloneDeploymentScriptTest-Debian.Buster.Master

failed Wendelin.StandaloneDeploymentScriptTest-Debian.Stretch