Commit a9594fe1 authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé


parent 370ef0bc
......@@ -39,22 +39,12 @@
#include "utils.c"
#include "ring_buffer.c"
/* eCPRI Send and Recv */
#define PACKET_SIZE 262
#define RX_N_CHANNEL 1
#define TX_N_CHANNEL 4
#define FRAME_FREQ INT64_C(3840000) // Basic frame frequency
#define TX_PACKET_SIZE 262
#define RX_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 262
#define N_SAMPLES (32)
#define SEND_LIMIT 1250
#define TRX_WB_MAX_PARTS 1000
#define TRX_BUF_MAX_SIZE 1000
// Statistics
// Update period for packets per second counter
#define PPS_UPDATE_PERIOD INT64_C(1000000000)
#define STAT_INT_LEN "9"
#define MAX_CHANNELS 4
/* eCPRI frame structure
......@@ -64,14 +54,7 @@ Ethernet header: 18 bytes
| MAC dst | MAC src | Tag | Ethertype |
eCPRI common header: 1 byte
4b 3b 1b
| Version | Reserved | Concat |
eCPRI common header: 8 bytes
eCPRI common header: 4 bytes
4b 3b 1b 1 2
......@@ -83,8 +66,12 @@ Ethernet + eCPRI header: 26 bytes
eCPRI concatenated frames
4 3 4
| eCPRI | | | eCPRI | |
| Common | eCPRI Payload #0 | Padding | Common | eCPRI Payload #1 |
| Header #0 | | | Header #1 | |
......@@ -94,15 +81,30 @@ typedef struct {
} Complex;
typedef struct {
const char * re_mac;
const char * rec_mac;
const char * rec_if;
const uint8_t * rrh_mac;
const uint8_t * bbu_mac;
const uint8_t * bbu_if;
const char * log_directory;
int recv_affinity;
int send_affinity;
int prepare_affinity;
int decompress_affinity;
int encode_affinity;
int decode_affinity;
int statistic_affinity;
int ecpri_period;
int flow_id;
int frame_frequency;
int trx_buf_size;
int txrx_buf_size;
int trace_rx;
int trace_tx;
int trace_offset;
int monitor_pps;
int monitor_trigger_duration;
int start_sending;
int start_receiving;
int rx_n_channel;
int tx_n_channel;
int statistics_refresh_rate_ns;
int sample_rate;
} TRXEcpriState;
......@@ -121,49 +123,20 @@ typedef struct {
#include "private/bf1_sse4.c"
// Buffers
/* rx_rbuf stores ethernet frames */
static ring_buffer_t rx_rbuf; // Received packets
static ring_buffer_t trxr_rbuf[RX_N_CHANNEL]; // Decoded IQ samples
static ring_buffer_t tx_rbuf; // Packets to send
static ring_buffer_t trxw_rbuf[TX_N_CHANNEL]; // Uncompressed IQ samples
static ring_buffer_t trxw_group_rbuf; // Group of IQ samples
static ring_buffer_t rx_rbuf; // Received packets, ethernet frames
static ring_buffer_t trxr_rbuf[MAX_CHANNELS]; // Decoded IQ samples
static ring_buffer_t tx_rbuf; // Packets to send, ethernet frames
static ring_buffer_t trxw_rbuf[MAX_CHANNELS]; // Uncompressed IQ samples
// Counters
static volatile counter_stat_t recv_counter; // frames received from eRE
static volatile counter_stat_t recv_counter; // frames received from RRH
static volatile counter_stat_t decode_counter; // decoded frames
static volatile counter_stat_t read_counter; // frames passed to amarisoft stack
static volatile counter_stat_t write_counter; // samples to write from TRX
static volatile counter_stat_t encode_counter; // encoded frames
static volatile counter_stat_t sent_counter; // frames sent to eRE
static volatile counter_stat_t rx_drop_counter; // frames sent to eRE
static volatile counter_stat_t tx_drop_counter; // frames sent to eRE
// OLD
//static ring_buffer_t rx_rbuf;
//static ring_buffer_t trx_read_rbuf;
//static ring_buffer_t tx_rbuf;
//static ring_buffer_t trx_write_rbuf;
//static volatile int trx_wb_part[TRX_WB_MAX_PARTS]; // TODO write next index instead of current
//static volatile int64_t trx_wb_ts[TRX_WB_MAX_PARTS];
//static int trx_wb_part_read_index;
//static int trx_wb_part_write_index;
//// Locks
//pthread_mutex_t tx_mutex;
//pthread_cond_t tx_cond;
//pthread_mutex_t rx_mutex;
//pthread_cond_t rx_cond;
//pthread_mutex_t tx_ready_mutex;
//pthread_cond_t tx_ready_cond;
//sem_t trx_read_sem;
//// Counters
//static volatile int64_t prepared_frame_count;
//static volatile int64_t read_frame_count;
//static volatile int64_t sent_frame_count;
//// Computed values
//static int rxtx_buf_size;
//static int ecpri_period_mult;
// OLD
static volatile counter_stat_t sent_counter; // frames sent to RRH
static volatile counter_stat_t rx_drop_counter; // frames sent to RRH
static volatile counter_stat_t tx_drop_counter; // frames sent to RRH
// Network
static volatile int seq_id;
......@@ -671,9 +644,9 @@ int start(TRXEcpriState * s) {
if(sscanf(s->re_mac, "%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx%*c", &dst_mac[0], &dst_mac[1], &dst_mac[2], &dst_mac[3], &dst_mac[4], &dst_mac[5]) != 6)
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid eRE MAC address\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid RRH MAC address\n");
if(sscanf(s->rec_mac, "%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx%*c", &src_mac[0], &src_mac[1], &src_mac[2], &src_mac[3], &src_mac[4], &src_mac[5]) != 6)
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid eREC MAC address\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid RRH MAC address\n");
if ((send_sockfd = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL))) == -1) {
perror("Socket Error");
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