Commit f826e1bc authored by Nicolas Delaby's avatar Nicolas Delaby

Tests are moved to dedicated module

parent 80572442
......@@ -610,113 +610,3 @@ loads = _um.loads
load_tree = _um.load_tree
del _m, _um, _m_ns
def test(load, loads, dump, dumps, test_values,
# Try all the above bits of data
for item in test_values:
s = dumps(item)
print s
output = loads(s)
# Try it from a file
file = StringIO()
dump(item, file)
output2 = load(file)
if do_assert:
assert item == output, '%r %r' % (item, output)
assert item == output2 , '%r %r' % (item, output2)
assert output == output2, '%r %r' % (output, output2)
# Classes used in the test suite
class _A:
def __repr__(self):
return '<A instance>'
class _B(object):
def __repr__(self):
return '<B instance>'
class _C(object):
def __init__(self, attr1, attr2=None):
self.attr1 = attr1
self.attr2 = attr2
def __getinitargs__(self):
return (self.attr1, )
def __repr__(self):
return '<C instance>'
def runtests(namespace_uri=None):
print "Testing XML marshalling..."
L = [None, 1, pow(2, 123L), 19.72, 1+5j,
"here is a string & a <fake tag>",
(1, 2, 3),
['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma'],
{'key': 'value', 1: 2},
set(('a', 1,)),
if namespace_uri:
test(load, loads, dump_ns, dumps_ns, L)
test(load, loads, dump, dumps, L)
instance = _A() ; instance.subobject = _B()
instance.subobject.list=[None, 1, pow(2, 123L), 19.72, 1+5j,
"here is a string & a <fake tag>"]
instance.self = instance
L = [instance]
if namespace_uri:
test(load, loads, dump_ns, dumps_ns, L, do_assert=0)
test(load, loads, dump, dumps, L, do_assert=0)
recursive_list = [None, 1, pow(3, 65L), {1: 'spam', 2: 'eggs'},
'<fake tag>', 1+5j]
if namespace_uri:
test(load, loads, dump_ns, dumps_ns, [recursive_list], do_assert=0)
test(load, loads, dump, dumps, [recursive_list], do_assert=0)
# Try unmarshalling XML with extra harmless whitespace (as if it was
# pretty-printed)
output = loads("""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<float> 1.0 </float>
<list id="i2" />
assert output == (1.0, 'abc', [])
output = loads("""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<marshal:marshal xmlns:marshal="">
<marshal:float> 1.0 </marshal:float>
<marshal:list id="i2" />
assert output == (1.0, 'abc', [])
c_instance = _C('value1', attr2='value2')
c_instance.attr3 = 'value3'
nested_instance = _C('somevalue', 'someother')
nested_instance.attr3 = "stillanother"
c_instance.nested_instance = nested_instance
c_marshalled = dumps(c_instance)
c_unmarshalled = loads(c_marshalled)
assert c_unmarshalled.attr3 == c_instance.attr3
assert c_unmarshalled.attr2 == c_instance.attr2
assert c_unmarshalled.attr1 == c_instance.attr1
assert c_unmarshalled.__class__ == _C
assert c_unmarshalled.nested_instance.__class__ == _C
assert c_unmarshalled.nested_instance.attr1 == nested_instance.attr1
assert c_unmarshalled.nested_instance.attr2 == nested_instance.attr2
assert c_unmarshalled.nested_instance.attr3 == nested_instance.attr3
if __name__ == '__main__':
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