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  1. 02 Apr, 2024 5 commits
  2. 19 Dec, 2022 1 commit
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      *: rewrite with lib2to3.fixes.fix_asserts and ad-hoc assertin · 2e366054
      Jérome Perrin authored
      The add-hoc assertin filter:
      from typing import List
      import lib2to3
      from lib2to3.fixer_base import BaseFix
      from lib2to3.fixer_util import Comma, Name
      class FixAssertIn(BaseFix):
        PATTERN = """
            power< any+ trailer< '.' meth=("assertTrue" | "assertFalse")>
            trailer< '('
              comparison< (needle=any ( comp_op<'not' 'in'> | 'in' ) haystack=any) >
            ')' > >
        def transform(self, node: lib2to3.pytree.Node,
                      results: List[lib2to3.pytree.Base]):
          needle = results['needle']
          haystack = results['haystack']
          meth = results["meth"][0]
          method_map = {True: 'assertIn', False: 'assertNotIn'}
          method_in = meth.value == 'assertTrue'
          if 'not' in str(needle.parent.children[1]):
            method_in = not method_in
          meth.replace(Name(method_map[method_in], prefix=meth.prefix))
          needle.parent.children = [needle, Comma(), haystack]
  3. 04 Nov, 2022 1 commit
  4. 05 Oct, 2022 1 commit
  5. 27 May, 2020 1 commit
  6. 30 Sep, 2019 1 commit
  7. 31 Aug, 2017 1 commit
  8. 10 Mar, 2015 1 commit
  9. 08 Nov, 2014 1 commit
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
      use fulltext search in title and description. · d47df833
      Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
      * to quickly setup catalog_full_text table, you can use the following SQL.
        REPLACE INTO catalog_full_text SELECT uid, title, description FROM catalog;
      * non fulltext queries like '=abc', '>abc', '%abc%' are supported.
      * now erp5_full_text_mroonga_catalog is used for unit tests thus I recommend using it instead of erp5_full_text_myisam_catalog.
      * to migrate existing MyISAM full_text table into Mroonga, you can use the following SQL.
        ALTER TABLE full_text DROP KEY SearchableText,
          ENGINE = mroonga,
          ADD FULLTEXT KEY SearchableText (`SearchableText`) COMMENT 'parser "TokenBigramSplitSymbolAlpha"';
      * fulltext search score is no longer provided as (column_name) but now provided as (column_name)__score__.
      * (category)_title, like source_title, related keys are automatically generated. (category)_description keys as well.
  10. 16 Oct, 2014 1 commit
  11. 04 Sep, 2014 1 commit
  12. 24 Mar, 2014 1 commit
    • Julien Muchembled's avatar
      erp5_knowledge_pad: drop complicated and broken logic to wait that new pads are indexed · 9e551336
      Julien Muchembled authored
      This fixes many different bugs, like random Unauthorized errors when a
      knowledge pad is deleted.
      When an object is created, calling immediateReindexObject is only a performance
      coding crime, which should be negligible since pads are objects that are not
      created often. Previous implementation was certainly even less scalable due to
      the many extra requests done to wait that new pads are indexed.
      If immediateReindexObject is too slow, a distributed cache could be used
      instead. This is not trivial and overkill for the moment.
      It would be better if we didn't have to rely on the catalog. IOW, data could
      have been organized differently so that in ZODB, pads are grouped in containers,
      1 per user.
  13. 30 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  14. 29 May, 2013 1 commit
  15. 05 Apr, 2013 1 commit
  16. 15 May, 2012 1 commit
  17. 11 May, 2012 1 commit
  18. 13 Dec, 2011 1 commit
  19. 13 Jun, 2011 2 commits
  20. 22 Mar, 2011 2 commits
  21. 21 Mar, 2011 1 commit
  22. 15 Mar, 2011 1 commit
  23. 14 Mar, 2011 2 commits
  24. 08 Mar, 2011 2 commits
  25. 07 Mar, 2011 3 commits
  26. 17 Feb, 2011 2 commits
  27. 24 Jan, 2011 2 commits
  28. 07 Jan, 2011 1 commit