Commit 41bc8fdc authored by Paul Graydon's avatar Paul Graydon

wendelin_telecom_test: Update tests

parent de82baa9
......@@ -112,7 +112,14 @@ class WendelinTelecomTest(SecurityTestCase):
tag_comp_id_seed = generateRandomString(length=4, only_digits=True)
if tag_enb_id_seed is None:
tag_enb_id_seed = generateRandomString(length=5, hexadecimal=True)
ors_tag = 'ors%s_COMP-%s_e0x%sTest' % (tag_hostname_seed, tag_comp_id_seed, tag_enb_id_seed)
ors_tag = 'ors%s' % tag_hostname_seed
# Only include a subsequent section if a non-empty string is explicitly provided for it
if tag_comp_id_seed != '':
ors_tag += '_COMP-%s' % tag_comp_id_seed
if tag_enb_id_seed != '':
ors_tag += '_e0x%s' % tag_enb_id_seed
ors_tag += 'Test'
response = self.portal.ERP5Site_registerOrs(ors_tag)
......@@ -476,12 +483,13 @@ class WendelinTelecomTest(SecurityTestCase):
self.assertTrue(new_project_item_dict['project'] is None)
self.assertTrue(new_project_item_dict['client_user'] == project_item_dict['client_user'])
def test_03_registerOrs(self):
def test_03_1_registerValidOrs(self):
Test the script called during slave instantiation in SlapOS by an ORS to automatically register itself.
Check all detected cases.
Check all valid cases.
# Call the script with an initial seed setup
tag_hostname_seed = generateRandomString(length=3, only_digits=True)
tag_comp_id_seed = generateRandomString(length=4, only_digits=True)
tag_enb_id_seed = generateRandomString(length=5, hexadecimal=True)
......@@ -512,25 +520,6 @@ class WendelinTelecomTest(SecurityTestCase):
self.assertTrue('error_msg' in response_dict)
self.assertTrue(response_dict['error_msg'] == "ORS with tag %s already exists." % ors_item_dict['data_acquisition_unit'].getReference())
# Generate a new seed that will cause the tag to be invalid
invalid_tag_hostname_seed = 'invalid_hostname'
# Call the script a third time with the new seed
# This should error out as the tag is invalid
invalid_ors_item_dict = self.registerOrs(
# Parse the JSON response and check the error message
response_dict = json.loads(invalid_ors_item_dict['response'])
self.assertTrue('error_msg' in response_dict)
self.assertTrue(response_dict['error_msg'] == "Invalid ORS tag ors%s_COMP-%s_e0x%sTest found" % (invalid_tag_hostname_seed, tag_comp_id_seed, tag_enb_id_seed))
# Check that the Data Acquisition Unit and Data Supply have NOT been created
self.assertTrue(invalid_ors_item_dict['data_acquisition_unit'] is None)
self.assertTrue(invalid_ors_item_dict['data_supply'] is None)
# Now, link the original Data Supply to a client project
project_a_item_dict = self.registerOrsClientProject()
project_a_url = project_a_item_dict['project'].getRelativeUrl()
......@@ -546,6 +535,7 @@ class WendelinTelecomTest(SecurityTestCase):
# Check that the Data Acquisition Unit and Data Supply have been created
# And that the new Data Supply has automatically been linked to the project
self.assertTrue(new_enb_id_ors_item_dict['data_acquisition_unit'] is not None)
self.assertTrue(new_enb_id_ors_item_dict['data_supply'] is not None)
self.assertTrue(new_enb_id_ors_item_dict['data_supply'].getDestinationProject() == project_a_url)
......@@ -572,6 +562,71 @@ class WendelinTelecomTest(SecurityTestCase):
# it cannot be automatically decided to which project this version should be assigned to
self.assertTrue(another_enb_id_ors_item_dict['data_supply'].getDestinationProject() is None)
# Generate a new set of seeds
new_tag_hostname_seed = generateRandomString(length=3, only_digits=True)
new_tag_comp_id_seed = generateRandomString(length=4, only_digits=True)
# Call the script with a tag that does not contain an eNB identifier
no_enb_id_ors_item_dict = self.registerOrs(
# Parse the JSON response and check that it is empty, indicating a success
response_dict = json.loads(no_enb_id_ors_item_dict['response'])
self.assertTrue(response_dict == {})
# Check that the Data Acquisition Unit and Data Supply have been created
self.assertTrue(no_enb_id_ors_item_dict['data_acquisition_unit'] is not None)
self.assertTrue(no_enb_id_ors_item_dict['data_supply'] is not None)
def test_03_2_registerInvalidOrs(self):
Test the script called during slave instantiation in SlapOS by an ORS to automatically register itself.
Check all invalid cases.
tag_hostname_seed = generateRandomString(length=3, only_digits=True)
tag_comp_id_seed = generateRandomString(length=4, only_digits=True)
tag_enb_id_seed = generateRandomString(length=5, hexadecimal=True)
# Generate a hostname seed that will cause the tag to have too many underscores
too_long_tag_hostname_seed = 'invalid_hostname'
# Call the script with this seed setup
# This should error out as the tag has too many underscore-separated sections
too_long_tag_ors_item_dict = self.registerOrs(
# Parse the JSON response and check the error message
response_dict = json.loads(too_long_tag_ors_item_dict['response'])
self.assertTrue('error_msg' in response_dict)
self.assertTrue(response_dict['error_msg'] == "Invalid ORS tag ors%s_COMP-%s_e0x%sTest found" \
% (too_long_tag_hostname_seed, tag_comp_id_seed, tag_enb_id_seed))
# Check that the Data Acquisition Unit and Data Supply have NOT been created
self.assertTrue(too_long_tag_ors_item_dict['data_acquisition_unit'] is None)
self.assertTrue(too_long_tag_ors_item_dict['data_supply'] is None)
# Now, call the script with only the first section in the tag: 'orsXXX'
# This should error out as the tag has too few underscore-separated sections
too_long_tag_ors_item_dict = self.registerOrs(
# Parse the JSON response and check the error message
response_dict = json.loads(too_long_tag_ors_item_dict['response'])
self.assertTrue('error_msg' in response_dict)
self.assertTrue(response_dict['error_msg'] == "Invalid ORS tag ors%sTest found" % tag_hostname_seed)
# Check that the Data Acquisition Unit and Data Supply have NOT been created
self.assertTrue(too_long_tag_ors_item_dict['data_acquisition_unit'] is None)
self.assertTrue(too_long_tag_ors_item_dict['data_supply'] is None)
def test_04_1_ingestValidOrsLogDataFromFluentd(self, data_key="valid"):
Test a simple valid ORS log ingestion: simulate a fluentd gateway forwarding valid ORS logs to the platform,
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