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Commit 6af566f8 authored by Mame Coumba Sall's avatar Mame Coumba Sall

Modified to avoid too many functions or groups set when contributing a document.

parent 76ce5e7f
......@@ -56,11 +56,20 @@ User would be usually the current user, but sometimes the name has to be given e
if e.g. the doc is contributed by email, and the script is run by zope user.\n
assignment_dict = context.ERP5Site_getPersonAssignmentDict(user_name=user_name)\n
group_list = assignment_dict[\'group_list\']\n
# XXX: make list of properties configurable through preferences\n
return {\'group_list\': assignment_dict[\'group_list\'],\n
\'site_list\': assignment_dict[\'site_list\'],\n
\'function_list\': assignment_dict[\'function_list\']}\n
group_level_dict = {}\n
for group in group_list:\n
group_level = len(group.split("/"))\n
group_level_dict[group] = group_level\n
#Get the highest levels groups of the assignments\n
##if group_list = [\'nexedi\', \'nexedi/hq\', \'nexedi/jp\'] returns [\'nexedi\']\n
##if group_list = [\'nexedi/hq\', \'nexedi/jp\'] returns [\'nexedi/hq\', \'nexedi/jp\']\n
highest_level_group_value = min(group_level_dict.itervalues())\n
highest_level_groups = [k for k in group_level_dict if group_level_dict[k] == highest_level_group_value]\n
return {\'group_list\': highest_level_groups}\n
</string> </value>
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