Commit d4cca2c0 authored by Aurel's avatar Aurel

take into account the trade phase parameter

add comment about the use of the catalog which seems buggy

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 85da2342
......@@ -174,28 +174,32 @@ class ExplanationCache:
kw_tuple = tuple(kw.items()) # We hope that no sorting is needed
def getParentSimulationMovementValueList(obj, movement_list):
def getParentSimulationMovementValueList(obj, movement_list, trade_phase):
if getattr(obj, "getParentValue", None):
parent = obj.getParentValue()
if parent is not None:
if parent.getPortalType() == "Simulation Movement":
if parent.getPortalType() == "Simulation Movement" and \
parent.getCausalityValue().getTradePhase(base=1) == trade_phase:
getParentSimulationMovementValueList(parent, movement_list)
getParentSimulationMovementValueList(parent, movement_list, trade_phase)
def getChildSimulationMovementValueList(obj, movement_list):
def getChildSimulationMovementValueList(obj, movement_list, trade_phase):
child_list = obj.objectValues()
for child in child_list:
if child.getPortalType() == "Simulation Movement":
if child.getPortalType() == "Simulation Movement" and \
child.getCausalityValue().getTradePhase(base=1) == trade_phase:
getChildSimulationMovementValueList(child, movement_list)
if self.simulation_movement_cache.get(kw_tuple, None) is None:
if self.explanation.getPortalType() == "Applied Rule":
movement_list = []
getParentSimulationMovementValueList(self.explanation, movement_list)
getChildSimulationMovementValueList(self.explanation, movement_list)
getParentSimulationMovementValueList(self.explanation, movement_list, kw.get('trade_phase', None))
getChildSimulationMovementValueList(self.explanation, movement_list, kw.get('trade_phase', None))
self.simulation_movement_cache[kw_tuple] = movement_list
# XXX-Aurel : the following code seems not working as expected, it returns
# all simulation movements from a site
if kw.get('path', None) is None:
kw['path'] = self.getSimulationPathPatternList() # XXX-JPS Explicit Query is better
if kw.get('explanation_uid', None) is None:
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