will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit e369aa7d authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

Inventory Brain: Avoid calling getObject when not required

* date attribute is converted to timezone only when attribute is accessed (and not in __init__ anymore). Some code that needs performance may be able to use date_utc attribute wich is the date as UTC
* debit, credit, debit_price and credit_price uses "is_cancellation" column instead of getObject().isCancellationAmount()
parent cb98a197
......@@ -42,9 +42,7 @@ at_date</string> </value>
<key> <string>connection_hook</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>connection_id</string> </key>
......@@ -77,6 +75,8 @@ Here, a group of movement means:\n
grouping_reference is the same\n
XXX now that grouping_date exists, this script will become useless.\n
Please consider using grouping date query with getMovementHistoryList instead of\n
using this obsolete script.\n
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ XXX now that grouping_date exists, this script will become useless.\n
catalog.uid as uid,\n
mirror_section.relative_url as mirror_section_relative_url,\n
mirror_section.title as mirror_section_title,\n as date,\n as date_utc,\n
stock.node_uid as node_uid,\n
IFNULL(stock.total_price, 0) as total_price,\n
IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as total_quantity\n
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ XXX now that grouping_date exists, this script will become useless.\n
catalog.uid as uid,\n
mirror_section.relative_url as mirror_section_relative_url,\n
mirror_section.title as mirror_section_title,\n as date,\n as date_utc,\n
stock.node_uid as node_uid,\n
IFNULL(stock.total_price, 0) as total_price,\n
IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as total_quantity\n
......@@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ XXX now that grouping_date exists, this script will become useless.\n
HAVING max( > <dtml-sqlvar "at_date" type="datetime">\n
ORDER BY mirror_section_title, date
ORDER BY mirror_section_title, date_utc
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>title</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<value> <string>Obsolete.</string> </value>
......@@ -284,17 +284,14 @@ class TrackingListBrain(InventoryListBrain):
class MovementHistoryListBrain(InventoryListBrain):
"""Brain for getMovementHistoryList
def __init__(self):
if not
# convert the date in the movement's original timezone.
# This is a somehow heavy operation, but fortunatly it's only called when
# the brain is accessed from the Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results.Results instance
def _date(self):
# Convert the date in the movement's original timezone.
# ZSQL method selects date as date_, and here we find the object to get the
# timezone and convert the date to this timezone
obj = self.getObject()
if obj is not None:
timezone = None
if self.node_uid == obj.getSourceUid():
if self.node_uid == obj.getSourceUid(): # XXX we could expose an "are we source" property on brain
start_date = obj.getStartDate()
if start_date is not None:
timezone = start_date.timezone()
......@@ -303,7 +300,9 @@ class MovementHistoryListBrain(InventoryListBrain):
if stop_date is not None:
timezone = stop_date.timezone()
if timezone is not None: =
return self.date_utc.toZone(timezone)
return self.date_utc
date = ComputedAttribute(_date, 1)
def getListItemUrl(self, cname_id, selection_index, selection_name):
"""Returns the URL for column `cname_id`. Used by ListBox
......@@ -316,27 +315,26 @@ class MovementHistoryListBrain(InventoryListBrain):
return explanation.absolute_url()
return ''
def _debit(self):
if self.getObject().isCancellationAmount():
if self.is_cancellation:
return min(self.total_quantity, 0)
return max(self.total_quantity, 0)
debit = ComputedAttribute(_debit, 1)
def _credit(self):
if self.getObject().isCancellationAmount():
if self.is_cancellation:
return min(-(self.total_quantity or 0), 0)
return max(-(self.total_quantity or 0), 0)
credit = ComputedAttribute(_credit, 1)
def _debit_price(self):
if self.getObject().isCancellationAmount():
if self.is_cancellation:
return min(self.total_price, 0)
return max(self.total_price, 0)
debit_price = ComputedAttribute(_debit_price, 1)
def _credit_price(self):
if self.getObject().isCancellationAmount():
if self.is_cancellation:
return min(-(self.total_price or 0), 0)
return max(-(self.total_price or 0), 0)
credit_price = ComputedAttribute(_credit_price, 1)
......@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ SELECT\n
catalog.path as path,\n
catalog.uid as uid,\n
catalog.relative_url as relative_url,\n AS date,\n AS date_utc,\n
<dtml-if expr="precision is not None">\n
<dtml-if group_by_expression>SUM</dtml-if>(ROUND(stock.quantity, <dtml-var precision>)) AS total_quantity,\n
<dtml-if group_by_expression>SUM</dtml-if>(ROUND(stock.total_price, <dtml-var precision>)) AS total_price,\n
......@@ -497,6 +497,7 @@ SELECT\n
<dtml-if group_by_expression>SUM</dtml-if>(stock.quantity) AS total_quantity,\n
<dtml-if group_by_expression>SUM</dtml-if>(stock.total_price) AS total_price,\n
stock.is_cancellation AS is_cancellation,\n
stock.variation_text AS variation_text,\n
stock.simulation_state AS simulation_state,\n
stock.resource_uid AS resource_uid,\n
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