Commit 731ca7f3 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin
Browse files

ui_test_core: display promise rejection reasons on setFile

Sometimes test fail we don't have any information about what the problem

Using the same technique of turning a promise into "a function called
several times until it returns true or false", we can get rejection
failures in the selenium error message.
parent 0ed3d3d6
......@@ -11,30 +11,56 @@
* </tr>
Selenium.prototype.doSetFile = function(locator, url_and_filename) {
var tmpArray = url_and_filename.split(' ', 2);
var url = tmpArray[0];
var fileName = tmpArray[1];
var tmpArray = url_and_filename.split(' ', 2);
var url = tmpArray[0];
var fileName = tmpArray[1];
var rejectionValue,
// same technique as doVerifyImageMatchSnapshot below
var assertFileSet = () => {
if (promiseState === 'pending') {
return false;
if (promiseState === 'resolved') {
return true;
if (promiseState === 'rejected') {;
promiseState = 'pending';
if (!fileName) {
throw new Error('file name must not be empty.');
throw new Error('file name must not be empty.');
var fileField =;
.then(function (response){
.then(function(response) {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('HTTP error, status = ' + response.status);
throw new Error('HTTP error, status = ' + response.status);
return response.blob();
.then(function (blob){
var dT = new ClipboardEvent('').clipboardData || // Firefox < 62 workaround exploiting
new DataTransfer(); // specs compliant (as of March 2018 only Chrome)
.then(function(blob) {
var dT =
/* Firefox < 62 workaround exploiting */
new ClipboardEvent('').clipboardData ||
/* specs compliant (as of March 2018 only Chrome) */
new DataTransfer();
dT.items.add(new File([blob], fileName));
fileField.files = dT.files;
return Selenium.decorateFunctionWithTimeout(function () {
var window = selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow();
return (fileField.value || "").endsWith(fileName);
}, 60000);
function() {
promiseState = 'resolved';
function(error) {
promiseState = 'rejected';
rejectionValue = 'Error setting file ' + error;
return assertFileSet;
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