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Commit a37c0829 authored by Jean-Paul Smets's avatar Jean-Paul Smets

use of getTypedMethod + documentation

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 19761401
......@@ -43,7 +43,23 @@ from zLOG import LOG
class Predicate(Folder):
A predicate group allows to combine simple predicates
A Predicate object defines a list of criterions
which can be applied to test a document or to search for documents.
Predicates are defined by a combination of PropertySheet values
(ex. membership_criterion_list) and criterion list (ex. quantity
is between 0 and 10). An additional script can be associated to
extend the standard Predicate semantic with any additional
script based test.
The idea between Predicate in ERP5 is to have a simple
way of defining simple predicates which can be later
searched through a simplistic rule based engine and which can
still provide complete expressivity through additional scripting.
The approach is intended to provide the expressivity of a rule
based system without the burden of building a fully expressive
rule engine.
meta_type = 'ERP5 Predicate'
portal_type = 'Predicate'
......@@ -67,9 +83,8 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
def test(self, context, **kw):
A Predicate can be tested on a given context
We can pass parameters in order to ignore some conditions.
A Predicate can be tested on a given context.
Parameters can passed in order to ignore some conditions.
self = self.asPredicate()
result = 1
......@@ -115,24 +130,26 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
# XXX Add here additional method calls
return result
def asPythonExpression():
A Predicate can be rendered as a python expression. This
is the preferred approach within Zope.
def asSqlExpression():
A Predicate can be rendered as a python expression. This
is the preferred approach within Zope.
A Predicate can be rendered as an SQL expression. This
can be used to generate SQL requests in reports or in
catalog search queries.
XXX - This method is not implemented yet
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCriterionList' )
def getCriterionList(self, **kw):
Returns a list of criterion
Returns the list of criteria which are defined by the Predicate.
Each criterion is returned in a TempBase instance intended to be
displayed in a ListBox.
XXX - It would be better to return criteria in a Criterion class
if not hasattr(aq_base(self), '_identity_criterion'):
self._identity_criterion = {}
......@@ -151,6 +168,20 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setCriterion' )
def setCriterion(self, property, identity=None, min=None, max=None, **kw):
This methods sets parameters of a criterion. There is at most one
criterion per property. Defined parameters are
identity -- if not None, allows for testing identity of the property
with the provided value
min -- if not None, allows for testing that the property
is greater than min
max -- if not None, allows for testing that the property
is greater than max
if not hasattr(aq_base(self), '_identity_criterion'):
self._identity_criterion = {}
self._range_criterion = {}
......@@ -161,7 +192,12 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'edit' )
def edit(self, **kwd) :
def edit(self, **kwd):
The edit method is overriden so that any time a
criterion_property_list property is defined, a list of criteria
is created to match the provided criterion_property_list.
if not hasattr(aq_base(self), '_identity_criterion'):
self._identity_criterion = {}
self._range_criterion = {}
......@@ -181,6 +217,16 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
# Predicate fusion method
def setPredicateCategoryList(self, category_list):
This method updates a Predicate by implementing an
AND operation on all predicates (or categories)
provided in category_list. Categories behave as a
special kind of predicate which only acts on category
WARNING: this method does not take into account scripts at
this point.
category_tool = aq_inner(self.portal_categories)
base_category_id_list = category_tool.objectIds()
membership_criterion_category_list = []
......@@ -218,10 +264,15 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
This generate a new temporary predicate based on local properties
This method generates a new temporary predicate based on an ad-hoc
interpretation of local properties of an object. For example,
a start_range_min property will be interpreted as a way to define
a min criterion on start_date.
It can be used in a script called PortalType_asPredicate if we only
want to create a new predicate with local properties.
The purpose of this method is to be called from
a script called PortalType_asPredicate to ease the generation of
Predicates based on range properties. It should be considered mostly
as a trick to simplify the development of Predicates and forms.
new_membership_criterion_category_list = list(self.getMembershipCriterionCategoryList())
new_multimembership_criterion_base_category_list = list(self.getMultimembershipCriterionBaseCategoryList())
......@@ -271,32 +322,10 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'asPredicate')
def asPredicate(self,script_id=None):
We will look if we can find a script in order to generate
a new predicate.
This method tries to convert the current Document into a predicate
looking up methods named Class_asPredictae, MetaType_asPredicate, PortalType_asPredicate
category_tool = getToolByName(self,'portal_categories')
# Look at local and acquired categories and make it criterion membership
script_name = ''
script = None
script_name_end = '_asPredicate'
# Look at a local script which
# can return a new predicate.
if script_id is not None:
script = getattr(self, script_id)
for script_name_begin in [self.getPortalType(), self.getMetaType(), self.__class__.__name__]:
script_name = join( [ replace(script_name_begin, ' ','') , script_name_end ], '')
if hasattr(self, script_name):
script = getattr(self, script_name)
new_self = self
script = self._getTypeBasedMethod('asPredicate')
if script is not None:
new_self = script()
return new_self
# Just for compatibility
class PredicateGroup(Predicate):
meta_type = 'ERP5 Predicate Group'
portal_type = 'Predicate Group'
return script()
return self
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