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Commit f71f2022 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

testXHTML: allow subclasses to adjust skins to be ignored by jslint

parent cdeaa140
......@@ -49,8 +49,11 @@ class TestXHTMLMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase):
# some forms have intentionally empty listbox selections like RSS generators
FORM_LISTBOX_EMPTY_SELECTION_PATH_LIST = ['erp5_web_widget_library/WebSection_viewContentListAsRSS']
IGNORE_FILE_LIST = ['require.js','require.min.js','wz_dragdrop.js',
JSL_IGNORE_FILE_LIST = ('require.js','require.min.js','wz_dragdrop.js',
JSL_IGNORE_SKIN_LIST = ('erp5_ace_editor', 'erp5_code_mirror',
'erp5_fckeditor', 'erp5_jquery', 'erp5_jquery_ui',
'erp5_svg_editor', 'erp5_xinha_editor')
def changeSkin(self, skin_name):
......@@ -165,34 +168,25 @@ class TestXHTMLMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def test_javascript_lint(self):
skins_tool = self.portal.portal_skins
path_list = []
for script_path, script in skins_tool.ZopeFind(
skins_tool, obj_metatypes=['File','DTML Method','DTML Document'], search_sub=1):
is_required_check_path = True
ignore_bts = ['erp5_jquery','erp5_fckeditor','erp5_xinha_editor', 'erp5_svg_editor',
'erp5_jquery_ui', 'erp5_ace_editor', 'erp5_code_mirror']
for script_path, script in skins_tool.ZopeFind(skins_tool,
obj_metatypes=('File','DTML Method','DTML Document'), search_sub=1):
if script_path.endswith('.js'):
for ignore_bt_name in ignore_bts:
if script_path.startswith(ignore_bt_name):
is_required_check_path = False
for ignore_file in self.IGNORE_FILE_LIST:
if script_path.endswith(ignore_file):
is_required_check_path = False
if is_required_check_path:
x = script_path.split('/', 1)
if not (x[0] in self.JSL_IGNORE_SKIN_LIST or
x[1] in self.JSL_IGNORE_FILE_LIST):
def jsl(check_path):
portal_skins_path = self.portal.getId() + '/portal_skins/'
args = ('jsl', '-stdin', '-nologo', '-nosummary', '-conf',
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'jsl.conf'))
for path in path_list:
check_path = portal_skins_path + path
body = self.publish(check_path).getBody()
conf_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'jsl.conf')
stdout, stderr = Popen(['jsl', '-stdin', '-nologo', '-nosummary', '-conf', conf_file],
stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True).communicate(body)
stdout, stderr = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,
except OSError, e:
raise OSError, '%r\n%r' % (os.environ, e)
self.assertEqual(stdout, '', 'jsl result of %s : %s' % (check_path, stdout))
portal_skins_path = '%s/portal_skins' % self.portal.getId()
for path in path_list:
check_path = '%s/%s' % (portal_skins_path, path)
def test_html_file(self):
path_list = os.environ.get('CGI_PATH',
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