• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    helloworld: Unify naming for internal "hello web" service · 4a4e3e32
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    Since 7cd2f953 (helloworld: Turn it into real web-service) helloworld SR
    implements real web-service which talks to outside world with the help
    of shipped-with-it "hello web" program.
    Buildout sections which create helloweb service and promise were named
    based on helloworld prefix though, which is not very consistent. Thus the
    change for such sections to the same name as the "hello web" program uses.
    Also for style consistency the "hello web" program is renamed from
    hello-web to helloweb, as this naming style is usually used for
    So the final naming is:
    for both program and related sections.
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