Commit 63404263 authored by HongzheWang's avatar HongzheWang

stack/lamp:Change the name of the log file

parent c9508a87
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
Dav off
ErrorLog "{{ parameter_dict['log-dir'] }}/matomo-error.log"
CustomLog "{{ parameter_dict['log-dir'] }}/matomo-access.log" combined
ErrorLog "{{ parameter_dict['log-dir'] }}/lamp-error.log"
CustomLog "{{ parameter_dict['log-dir'] }}/lamp-access.log" combined
......@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ md5sum = 980f603c34fcb008ce73a9dde2dbceb3
filename =
md5sum = 9940e05d5e624a7884f4e6e062355798
md5sum = cf74249158ebb26e5ff7d3c9208f88d4
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