• Vincent Pelletier's avatar
    Folder: Make recursiveReindexObject scalable by calling _recurseCallMethod. · babbf56f
    Vincent Pelletier authored
    Should make Folder_reindexAll and most custom indexation methods obsolete.
    Remaining valid reindexation methods are:
    - reindexObject: for a single document, which may contain subdocuments
      which indexation is not necessary
    - recursiveReindexobject: for any subtree of documents
    - ERP5Site_reindexAll: for site-wide reindexations, as there is a semantic-
      dependent indexation order.
    Also, uniformise and factorise spawning immediateReindexObject.
    - testSupply: Drop check for the previous magic threshold.
      _recurseCallMethod takes care of it all now.
    - testXMLMatrix: Let activities execute before changing cell id.
      This works only because recursiveReindexObject on the matrix spawns a
      single recursiveImmediateReindexObject activity on that context. Now,
      up to 1k immediateReindexObject activities (for the first 1k sub-objects)
      are spawned immediately, preventing their renaming immediately after
      So let test wait for indexation before trying to rename.
    - testERP5Security: More activities are now spawned immediately, adapt.
testXMLMatrix.py 16 KB