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Commit fa67c9d7 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐙

[erp5_web_renderjs_ui] form_list should only impact the first bottom listbox

parent 66a2c883
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
* @argument field: array<tuple<str, object>> where first item is name, second meta info of the field
* (obsolete to specify the meta information which is returned by JSON style since it is duplicate of information in document instance)
function addField(field, rendered_document, form_definition, form_gadget, group_name, modification_dict) {
function addField(field, rendered_document, form_definition, form_gadget, group_name, modification_dict, is_first_bottom_listbox) {
var field_name = field[0],
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
suboptions = {
hide_enabled: form_definition.hide_enabled, // listbox specific
configure_enabled: form_definition.configure_enabled, // listbox specific
extended_search: form_definition.extended_search, // searchfield specific
extended_search: (is_first_bottom_listbox && (form_definition.extended_search)), // searchfield specific
field_type: rendered_document[field_name].type,
label: ((group_name !== "bottom") && (rendered_document[field_name].title.length > 0)), // no label for bottom group and field without title
field_json: rendered_document[field_name] // pass
......@@ -57,10 +57,9 @@
.push(function (label_gadget) {
if (modification_dict.hasOwnProperty('hash')) {
// XXX Hardcoded to get one listbox gadget
//pt form list gadget will get this listbox's info
//then pass to search field gadget
if (suboptions.field_type === 'ListBox') {
if (is_first_bottom_listbox) {
form_gadget.props.listbox_gadget = label_gadget;
......@@ -92,8 +91,16 @@
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
var first_listbox_found = false;
return RSVP.all( (field) {
return addField(field, rendered_document, form_definition, form_gadget, group_name, modification_dict);
var is_first_bottom_listbox = false;
if ((!first_listbox_found) && (group_name === 'bottom') &&
(rendered_document.hasOwnProperty(field[0])) &&
(rendered_document[field[0]].type === 'ListBox')) {
is_first_bottom_listbox = true;
first_listbox_found = true;
return addField(field, rendered_document, form_definition, form_gadget, group_name, modification_dict, is_first_bottom_listbox);
.push(function (result_list) {
......@@ -232,7 +239,12 @@
if (gadget.props.listbox_gadget) {
return gadget.props.listbox_gadget.getListboxInfo();
return {};
return {
search_column_list: [],
domain_list: [],
domain_dict: {},
begin_from: 0
}, {mutex: 'changestate'})
.declareMethod("getContent", function (options) {
var form_gadget = this,
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