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Commit a4f3d0d1 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

Makefile: notes added about npm packages + make phantom improved

parent 4c418987
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ COMPLEX_MIN = complex_queries.min.js
PARSER_PAR = $(QUERIES_DIR)/parser.par
## install npm package system wide -> npm -g install <package>
## js/cc using rhino
#JSCC_CMD = rhino ~/modules/jscc/jscc.js -t ~/modules/jscc/driver_web.js_
# sh -c 'cd ; npm install jscc-node'
......@@ -19,6 +21,8 @@ JSCC_CMD = node ~/node_modules/jscc-node/jscc.js -t ~/node_modules/jscc-node/
LINT_CMD = $(shell which jslint || echo node ~/node_modules/jslint/bin/jslint.js) --terse
# sh -c 'cd ; npm install uglify-js'
UGLIFY_CMD = $(shell which uglifyjs || echo node ~/node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs)
# sh -c 'cd ; npm install phantomjs'
PHANTOM_CMD = $(shell which phantomjs || echo ~/node_modules/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs)
auto: compile build lint
build: concat uglify
......@@ -57,7 +61,7 @@ lint:
~/node_modules/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs test/run-qunit.js test/jiotests_withoutrequirejs.html | awk 'BEGIN {print "<!DOCTYPE html><html>"} /^<head>$$/, /^<\/body>$$/ {print} END {print "</html>"}' | sed -e 's,^ *<\(/\|\)script.*>$$,,g' > test/unit_test_result.html
$(PHANTOM_CMD) test/run-qunit.js test/jiotests_withoutrequirejs.html | awk 'BEGIN {print "<!DOCTYPE html><html>"} /^<head>$$/, /^<\/body>$$/ {print} END {print "</html>"}' | sed -e 's,^ *<\(/\|\)script.*>$$,,g' > test/unit_test_result.html
grep '^ <title>✔ ' test/unit_test_result.html > /dev/null
.phony: clean
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