• Romain Courteaud's avatar
    slapos_erp5: · 68b293a4
    Romain Courteaud authored
    * test: always create open order before trying to allocate
    * check sale trade condition reference
    * add new trade condition versions
      The new versions do not include any price informations.
      It is needed to create new Trade Condition which inherite from those versions.
      Update preference to use those latest trade conditions.
    * change business_application values
    * drop open/personal allocation_scope
    * slapos member user are not allowed anymore to create compute node
    * no need to create a dedicated local_roles from compute node source_administration
      Only slapos manager will handle compute nodes
    * duplicate test_default_scenario to happily break it
    * drop friend/personal in new scenario test
    * all members can allocation on all compute nodes
    * give user security group based on function (to access some module) and project/function (to access documents)
    * only a project computer manager can create compute nodes
    * only project computer manager is assignor on compute node
    * need a project assignment to create a compute node
    * drop group security on Instance Tree
    * drop group security from Software Instance
    * project member only need Auditor role on it
    * add customer project assignment
    * remove source_administration interaction workflow on Compute Node and add follow_up instead
    * Software Installation: move interaction workflow from destination_section to follow_up
    * give role on Software Installation to Project Compute Node Manager
    * shadow user do not need access to Compute Node anymore
    * only project comp manager can create SOftware Installation
    * project customer can create software instance
    * project customer can create instance tree
    * project people can only view the project module
    * also check PAS plugins which are not supposed to be activated
    * drop PAS shadow user plugins
    * drop shadow access from compute node module
    * drop shadow from compute node module
    * drop shadow role from computer module
    * drop shadow role from person* portal types
    * drop shadow role on project module
    * Revert "slapos_erp5: drop PAS shadow user plugins"
      Needed for accounting
    * Revert "slapos_erp5: drop shadow role from person* portal types"
    * drop Modification permissions if document uses an automated ledger
    * source_administration is not used anymore on Compute Node
    * drop transfer from another Project
    * drop allocation_scope/open categories
    * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementDestinationSection
    * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementDestinationSection
    * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementDestinationProject
    * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementDestination
    * drop SoftwareInstance_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementSpecialiseDestinationProject
    * drop ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromAssignmentDestinationClientOrganisation
    * switch event/ticket roles to virtual master security
    * drop Event_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementFollowUpAggregateComputeNodeDestinationSection
    * drop Event_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementFollowUpAggregateDestination
    * delete Event_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementFollowUpAggregateDestinationProject
    * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementAggregateDestinationProject
    * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementAggregateDestinationSection
    * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementAggregateDestination
    * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementAggregateComputeNodeDestinationSection
    * drop SoftwareInstance_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementSpecialiseDestination
    * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementLineAggregateDestinationProject
    * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementLineAggregateDestination
    * drop Item_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementLineAggregateComputeNodeDestinationSection
    * provide access to Compute Node Manager on Upgrade Decision
    * delivery/movement must use source_project instead of follow_up
    * delivery/movement must use source_project instead of follow_up
    * drop query module security
    * drop Compute Partition roles
      It must be visible by all project members
    * instance of the project can access compute nodes
    * do not make Credit Card readable
    * drop data set security
    * only accountant can create/update Account
    * add function local_role_group
    * use function local_role_group on Account
    * use function local_role_group on account
    * only accountant can read/write accounting transactions.
      Ledger is used as write condition
    * accounting period are only readable/writable by accountant
    * accounting period are only readable/writable by accountant
    * provide access on compute node to project customer/production
    * give read access to project production
    * provide access to production on software installation
    * switch admin to production manager in tests
    * no need for group/role in assignment. Use parent function too
    * provide access to function/production on Instance Tree
    * provide access to instance for function/production users
    * provide access to function/production* on support request
    * provide access to function/production on event module
    * provide access to regularisation request to function/production
    * drop roles for DMS portal types
      It does not seem used.
    * provide read/write access to function/production to Computer Network
    * provide access to function/is to System Event
    * provide access to function/is on Assignment
    * provide access to person module
    * provide read only access to project/customer on software product
    * provide readonly access to project/customer on software release
    * test set server allocation_scope to open
    * provide readonly access for project/customer on accounting module
    * provide readonly access for project/customer on compute node module
    * use source/destination_project on event/ticket/delivery
    * security for Subscription Request
    * production agent/manager can not create Software Instance
    *  drop slap_add_compute_node page
    * drop slap_project_list page
    * drop  drop slap_transfer_compute_node (and project_view)
    * drop slap_compute_node_view page
    * drop slap_compute_node_revoke_certificate page
    * drop compute_node_request_certificate page
    * drop slap_compute_node_list page
    * drop slap_ticket_list page
    * configure security on ticket modules
    * provide read only access to all Service
    * add a local roles interaction workflow on Support Request
    * drop slap_add_ticket page
    * drop support request view page
    * add local roles interaction workflow on Mail/Web Message
    * drop slap_add_related_event page
    * drop service list page
    * allow production to create software product
    * configure software production roles and interaction
    * allow production to create Software Release
    * configure roles for Software Release
    * drop software installation creation
    * show Software Installation to customer
    * provide read access on software installation module to customer
    * drop slap_select_software_product/release pages
    * drop slap_software_installation_view page
    * drop slap_destroy_software_installation page
    * instance tree actions moved to slapos_panel
    * drop slap_add_instance_tree page
    * drop gadget_erp5_page_slap_instance_tree_view
    * recalculate Software* local roles when follow up value changes
    * drop slap_software_instance_view page
    * try to install slapos_panel in test
    * drop person.requestOrganisation
    * WIP move test for scenario without accounting
    * show latest consistency error
    * ensure that no unexpected document has been created
    * required setting a project on a Credential Request
    * set default project on test web site
    * ensure that subscription_assignment_category_list is set on the system preference
    * test: set subscription_assignment_category_list on the system preference
    * allow customer to see the Subcription Request Module
    * add hardcoded test to expand an open order
    * no need to use hardcoded organisation...
      too check the bank account obj
    * WIP test for variated resource on open order...
    * check variation stock
    * check accounting
    * check transaction total_price
    * set the aggregate value on the Open Order Sale
    * test request scenario with accounting
    * set the price currency on the trade condition
    * check kthat correct release/type have been selected
    * get price from sale supply
    * drop Software Release security
      We use Software Project Release Variation instead
    * WIP slave test.
      Compare behaviour outsied my dev instance
    * fixup slave test
    * compute partition do not have any local roles anymore
    * role on Allocation Supply
    * use Allocation Supply to check where to allocate
      Ensure Slave Instance can be instanciated on other software release instance (thanks to Instance Node)
    * update Instance Node local roles
    * update Allocation Supply local roles
    * drop^close_ticket page
    * do not show dedicated Allocation Supply to all users
    * update currency role definition
    * stop hardcoding default quantity unit
    * configure Sale Supply role definitions
    * Sale Supply interaction workflow for local permissions
    * drop Software Release configuration and hardcoded paths
    * link hosting subscription to project
    * Hosting Subscription roles
    * fixup test
    * Instance can access project module
    * test slave allocation on the same instance tree
    * give more security group to instances
    * draft Remote Node security
    * create 2 projects to simulate remote allocation
    * remote node security interaction workflow
    * test allocation on Remote Node
    * test remote slave allocation
    * test: do not create Software Installation for Remote Node
    * move tests to virtual master design
    * Software Instance can access Compute Node Module
    * new slapos_panel skin folder
    * project needed when create person/compute node
    * project needed to create person
    * provide access to Web Page to function/marketing
    * Web Illustration
    * test marketing function
    * fixup Account security
    * fix Accounting Period security
    * update Account exported local roles
    * update Accounting Transaction Module security
    * update Accounting/Balance Transaction security
    * update web_page_module local_roles
    * fix Purchase Invoice Transaction security
    * fix Sale Invoice Transaction security
    * fixup Payment Transaction security
    * test Instance Tree security
    * update Assignment local roles test
    * test Software Instance local roles
    * test Slave Instance local roles
    * test Event local roles
    * explicitely define the security base category order
    * test event module local roles
    * test Compute Node module local roles
    * test Compute Node local roles
    * test Support Request module local roles
    * test Support Request local roles
    * test Software Product module local roles
    * test Software Product local roles
    * drop test for Compute Partition and Software Release
    * test Software Installation local roles
    * test Currency (Module) local roles
    * test Acknowledgment local roles
    * remove Credit Card local role test
      We do not store Credit Card
    * test Regularisation Request local roles
    * test Computer Model local roles
    * test Computer Network local roles
    * drop Computer Module local roles
      Computer was not reachable, so, no reason to keep this module
    * test System Event module local roles
    * test Upgrade Decision local roles
    * drop InstanceTree_getUpgradeSubscriptionRelatedValue
    * Upgrade Decision Line is not used anymore
    * customer is only Auditor on Upgrade Decision
    * update Computer Network local roles
    * drop Computer Network scripts
    * drop add_organisation page
    * WIP local roles test
    * fixup Payment Transaction local role test
    * add SecurePaymentTool local role test
    * check that Role Definition contains a local_role_group
    * drop slapos orga and accounting template local roles
    * drop slapos_aggregated_business_process
    * drop all trade condition
    * drop business processes
    * test: use share code to create accountable project
    * testSlapOSERP5InteractionWorkflow: there is no source administrator on Compute Node
    * drop Base_useSaleTradeConditionReference
    * disable monitor only if allocation_scope is closed/forever
    * testSlapOSERP5VirtualMasterScenario: define bank account
    * testSlapOSERP5VirtualMasterScenario: Payment Transaction is not built anymore
    * TestSlapOSVirtualMasterScenarioMixin
    * wip testSlapOSERP5VirtualMasterInvoicingScenario
    * improve consistency in the Role Definition
    * improve Role Definition consistency
    * XXX do not allow users to create Compute Node / Instance Tree
      Break everything, to investigate how we could integrate Open Order with Compute Node
    * add  slapos_subscription_request dependency
    * Sale person can access Service
    * only provide read/write access on Organisation to Sale/Accountant
    * Sale aent create Trade Condition
    * do not install slapos_subscription_request
      Everything should work without it.
      It will be rework later.
    * do not install slapos_subscription_request
    * add slapos_virtual_master_subscription local roles
    * only sort some properties
    * Sale agent can access currencies
    * restore Subscription Request local roles
    * Sale agent can create Subscription Request
    * update Sale Trade Condition local roles with interaction
    * show Sale Trade Condition to its destination
    * allow users to create Compute Node / Instance Tree
    * add Open Sale Order local roles interaction workflow
    * update Sale Trade Condition local roles
    * allow user to see his Open Sale Order
    * only sale people can create Sale Supply
    * create trade condition which could be applied to subscribe to a virtual master
    * local roles of Subscription Request
    * subscription request interaction workflow
    * do not allow Sale function to modify Subscription Request
      Let's automate everything for now
    * test: use Subscription Request to bootstrap the project
    * test Compute Node subscription creation
    * logout test
    * export service_module/slapos_compute_node_subscription
    * init preferences in test
    * test: wip accounting scenario
    * test:  slapos_subscription_request is installed again
    * give read|write permission to accounting/sale on person/project
    * test: update virtual master with/without accounting
    * update one more test
    * test_virtual_master_slave_on_same_tree_without_accounting_scenario
    * test_virtual_master_on_remote_tree_without_accounting_scenario
    * test_virtual_master_slave_instance_on_remote_tree_without_accounting_scenario
    * test: really disable accounting
    * test: sale person have access to the currency module
    * test: provide virtual master currency
    * constraint: Credential Request is not linked to a Project
    * test: define currency on the organisation
    * test: scenario for money deposit
    * test: typo
    * test: apply tax amount only if the resource is taxable
    * allow shadow user to view Organisation
    * test: reduce number of alarm calls
    * test: create deposit payment to validate the subscription
    * test: update related document count
    * test: no need to explicitely trigger all alarms
    * drop no used scenario test
    * give Role for source_project on Sale Supply
    * sale people can view business process
      needed to validate Sale Trade Condition
    * allow Production user to create One Time Access Token
    * drop slapos_jio dependency
    * drop my_configuration_slapos_master_web_url
    * test: configure trade_condition_type on the Sale Trade Condition
    * test: slapos_panel_compatibility was added
    * test: create Trade Condition for Deposit
    * test:  slapos_panel_compatibility skin selection
    * test: fixup trade condition specialise
    * configure 2 modules's business_application
    * do not allow user to see each others
      Do not allow personal information to be visible to anybody
    * allow Sale agent/manager to handle Assignments
    * test: assignments are automaticall created when creating a virtual master
    * test: fixup
    * drop organisation pages
    * drop project creation/deletion pages
    * configure Sale Supply like Sale Trade Condition
      Sale people manage Sale Supply
    * drop support request template local roles
    * getPreferredSupportRequestTemplate has been dropped
    * sale agent will manage support request unrelated to any project
    * customer is destination_decision on the Subscription Request
    * source/destination project have been inverted
    * customer will be Associate on Subscription Request
      In order to provid worklist for money deposit
    * Accountant will be Assign** on Currency
    * slapos_panel: allow to enter the API url on the web site panel
    * test: remove deleted script from coverage
    * xml update
    * system preference can not be fixed by the upgrader
    * drop Cloud Contract role definitions
    * fixup rebase
    * test: disable 2 tests
    * test: update Currency check
    * test: generate the compute node certificate
    * Sale person can be Assign* on Event
    * test: use source_project on the Sale Supply
    * test: use the same Sale Supply for Computer and Software
    * drop tests for dropped scripts
    * test: sale agent/manager can access Events
    * sale agt/manager can handle Regularisation/Support Request
    * drop slapos_crm_regularisation_request_template
    * drop regularisation request template
    * test: dropped script
    * drop testSlapOSERP5DefaultScenario
    * give read access to sale packing list to accountant and sale people
    * test: drop test_InternalPackingListLine*
    * drop code related to unused Trade Condition
    * test: noallocation compute node are still monitored
    * test: dropped scripts
    * drop slapos_crm_web_message_template local roles
    * fixup rebase
    * drop template_compute_node
    * drop template_software_instance
    * drop template_member
    * fixup rebase
    * drop ComputeNode_getSecurityCategoryFromValidationState
    * test: Assignment local roles
    * test Sale Supply local roles
    * test project local roles
    * nobody have to access Hosting Subscription for now
    * test Sale Packing List local roles
    * give read access to Open Order to sale/accountant people
    * test Sale Trade Condition local roles
    * update Subscription Request local roles
    * test Organisation local roles
    * drop Product local roles
      Unused for now
    * drop Campaign local roles
    * fix Business Process local roles
      Accounting people can view the business process
    * fixup Bank Account local roles
    * test Instance/Remote Nodes local roles
    * fixup Service local roles
    * test Person local roles
    * test Login local roles
    * test PDF and Document Module local roles
    * test Query local roles
    * test Notification Message local roles
    * drop Incident Response roles
      Will be done later, as not critical.
    * test Credential Update Module local roles
    * test Access Token local roles
    * test Document Ingestion Module local roles
    * test Cash Register local roles
    * Contract Invitation Token does not seem to be used
    * drop Invitation Token Module local roles
    * drop User Consumption HTML File local roles
      Seems not used
    * drop Computer Consumption TioXML File local roles
    * only provide Author access to computer on Consumption Document Module
    * test Integration Site/Tool local roles
    * test: G-COMPAGNY group was dropped
    * test: skip coding style for some scripts
    * test: not existing script
    * test: skip some coding style
    * test: check that destroying a remote instance also destroy propagated instance
    * fixup rebase
    * test: do not check Customer BT5 Configurator Item consistency
    * test: skip more portal types
    * add manifest for the panel website
    * no idea why Hal was used in the manifest tests
    * discussion gadget in service worker
    * not needed js
    * test: many bt5 dependencies have been removed
    * this script is kept for configurator compatibility
    * test: fixup
    * XXX test: disable check consistency
    * test: do not check global consistency and mailhost
    * coding style
    * fixup rebase
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