Commit 36f09f81 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐙

slapos_accounting: do not block non automated Sale Invoices

parent 646d5bf5
invoice = context
if invoice.getLedger() != 'automated':
return False
# Non automated invoices can be used
return True
delivery_list = invoice.getCausalityValueList(portal_type='Sale Packing List')
amount = len(delivery_list)
if context.getLedger() != 'automated':
# Non automated invoices can be used
return True
specialise = context.getSpecialiseValue(portal_type='Sale Trade Condition')
if specialise is None or specialise.getSpecialiseValue() is None:
# The trade model don't applies if the Trade Condition isn't attached to
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