Commit 38c1eacc authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

Stop date is exclusive.

parent 71f99fb5
import unittest
from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import SequenceList
from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import getClosestDate, addToDate, \
from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import getClosestDate, addToDate
from testVifibSlapWebService import TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin
from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime
......@@ -77,32 +76,29 @@ class TestVifibOpenOrderSimulation(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin):
0.0, open_order_line.getStopDate().second())
# Calculate the list of time frames
expected_time_frame_tuple_list = [(start_date, (atTheEndOfPeriod(start_date, 'month') - 1).latestTime())]
# now 11 months in form: 2022/02/01 00:00, 2022/02/28 23:59
expected_time_frame_list = [start_date]
current = \
getClosestDate(target_date=start_date, precision='month', before=1)
for m in range(1, 12):
expected_time_frame_tuple_list.append((current, (addToDate(current, month=1)-1).latestTime()))
current = addToDate(current, month=1)
getClosestDate(target_date=start_date, precision='month', before=0)
for m in range(0, 12):
expected_time_frame_list.append(addToDate(current, month=m))
# test the test: have we generated 12th months coverage?
self.assertEqual(12, len(expected_time_frame_tuple_list))
# test the test: have we generated 12th next months coverage?
self.assertEqual(13, len(expected_time_frame_list))
simulation_movement_list = self.portal.portal_catalog(
portal_type='Simulation Movement',
sort_on=(('movement.start_date', 'desc'),)
# Check that simulation is created by the periodicity
# Check that simulation is created by the periodicity for one year
# Check the list of expected simulation
idx = 0
for simulation_movement in simulation_movement_list:
excepted_start_date = expected_time_frame_tuple_list[idx][0]
excepted_stop_date = expected_time_frame_tuple_list[idx][1]
idx += 1
excepted_start_date = expected_time_frame_list[idx]
excepted_stop_date = expected_time_frame_list[idx+1]
# Check simulation movement property
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