Commit 415c4ef7 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

slapos_panel: [py2/py3] str.encode('hex') does not work in Python 3.

   Probably this was based on some outdated version, since the calculation already changed on:

parent abcaaa47
......@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ Paramameter list :
reference -- User login is mandatory (String)
default_email_text -- Email is mandatory (String)"""
# create the credential request
import binascii
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import bytes2str, str2bytes
portal = context.getPortalObject()
module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type='Credential Request')
portal_preferences = portal.portal_preferences
......@@ -39,7 +42,8 @@ credential_request = module.newContent(
# Same tag is used as in ERP5 Login._setReference, in order to protect against
# concurrency between Credential Request and Person object too
credential_request.reindexObject(activate_kw=dict(tag='set_login_%s' % reference.encode('hex')))
tag = 'set_login_%s' % bytes2str(binascii.hexlify(str2bytes(reference)))
credential_request.reindexObject(activate_kw={'tag': tag})
if portal_preferences.getPreferredCredentialAlarmAutomaticCall():
portal_type = context.Base_translateString("Credential Request")
......@@ -64,8 +68,8 @@ else:
portal_type = context.Base_translateString("Credential Request")
credential_request.submit("Automatic submit")
message_str = context.Base_translateString("${portal_type} Created.", mapping=({'portal_type': portal_type}))
if batch_mode:
return credential_request
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + "/login_form?portal_status_message=" + context.Base_translateString(message_str))
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