Commit 675df0d4 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud

slapos_accounting: ensure trade_condition_type matches

parent 7c87cd57
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ trade_condition_list = order.getSpecialiseValueList(
all_category_list = ('source_section', 'source', 'source_project',
'destination_section', 'destination', 'destination_project',
'price_currency', 'trade_condition_type')
matching_category_list = ('source_project', 'destination_project')
matching_category_list = ('source_project', 'destination_project', 'trade_condition_type')
tested_base_category_list = [ ]
for base_category in all_category_list:
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