Commit cdee9d29 authored by Yusei Tahara's avatar Yusei Tahara

configure local: Generate slapproxy conf for supervisord first, then...

configure local: Generate slapproxy conf for supervisord first, then supervisord certainly start slapproxy. Before this commit, slapproxy often did not start after "slapos configure local", that was because slapproxy conf did not exist when supervisord was launched.
parent 72cacb28
......@@ -246,13 +246,16 @@ def do_configure(args, fetch_config_func, logger):
configp = fetch_config_func(args)
conf = FormatConfig(logger=logger)
conf.mergeConfig(args, configp)
# The First thing we have to do here is to generate slapproxy conf
# for supervisord, then supervisord certainly start slapproxy.
proxy_configuration_file = _generateSlaposProxyConfigurationFile(conf)
conf.proxy_configuration_file = proxy_configuration_file
# Do the rest
slapgrid = create_slapgrid_object(conf.__dict__, logger)
createPrivateDirectory(os.path.join(conf.slapos_buildout_directory, 'log'))
proxy_configuration_file = _generateSlaposProxyConfigurationFile(conf)
conf.proxy_configuration_file = proxy_configuration_file
home_folder_path = os.environ['HOME']
createPrivateDirectory("%s/.slapos" % home_folder_path)
slapos_client_cfg_path = '%s/.slapos/slapos-client.cfg' % home_folder_path
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