Commit 64a910df authored by Roque Porchetto's avatar Roque Porchetto

scalaiblity_test: refactoring createSaleOrder test

parent 0bc99ce7
......@@ -12,6 +12,69 @@ SALE_TRADE_CONDITION_NAME = "Scalability Sale Trade Condition"
def fillRelatedObjects(browser, result, name, maximum=1, actionName="", TMIN_SLEEP=0, TMAX_SLEEP=0, col_num=0, text="") :
Function to fill randomly related objetcs
@param browser: browser
@type browser: Browser
@param result: result
@type result:
@param name: Name of the input name attribute
@type name: string
@param maximum: Max number of related objects
@type maximum: int
@param actionName: Name of the action (used for backtrace and statistic ?)
@type actionName: string
@param TMIN_SLEEP: Min time to sleep (in second)
@type TMIN_SLEEP: int
@param TMAX_SLEEP: Max time to sleep (in second)
@type TMAX_SLEEP: int
@param col_num: The numero of the column to filter
@type col_num: int
@param text: Text used to filter
@type text: string
# Go to the section linked by the input
result('GoTo '+actionName+' Relations', browser.mainForm.getControl(
# Check the status
assert (( browser.getTransitionMessage() == 'Please select one (or more) object.' )
or ( browser.getTransitionMessage() == 'Please select one object.' ))
# Check if it is possible to choose many objects
if (browser.getTransitionMessage() == 'Please select one object.'):
assert ( maximum <= 1 )
# Filter applied the 'col_num' column with text 'text'
if col_num != 0 :
browser.mainForm.getListboxControl(line_number=2, column_number=col_num).value = text
# Get the number of lines
page_stop_number = browser.etree.xpath('//span[@class="listbox-current-page-stop-number"]')
if len(page_stop_number) > 0:
num_line = int(page_stop_number[0].text)
num_line = 0
# Choose randomly one or more objects
if ( num_line > 0 ) and ( maximum > 0 ):
iteration = random.randint(1, maximum)
for i in range(0, iteration):
line_number = random.randint(1,num_line) + 2
# Check the box corresponding to line_number if not already checked
#if browser.mainForm.getListboxControl(line_number=line_number, column_number=1).selected == False:
if browser.mainForm.getListboxControl(line_number=line_number, column_number=1).value == False:
browser.mainForm.getListboxControl(line_number=line_number, column_number=1).click()
result('Submit '+actionName+' Relations',
# Check whether the changes have been successfully updated
assert browser.getTransitionMessage() == 'Data updated.'
def addOrderLine(browser, my_title, result) :
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