Commit a02b6fd8 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent c1b8ffda
......@@ -40,26 +40,6 @@ runtime/
- TODO stats for events (packets received, errors, etc)
- custom memory manager is required to avoid performance hit on e.g. []byte alloc/dealloc
-> go-slab
- interfaces conversion in very hot codepaths are costly:
e.g. having r as io.ReadSeeker and converting it to io.Reader e.g. this way:
io.ReadFull(r, ...)
calls convI2I all the time (no caching) which is not negliable
( recheck it is still true after
-> it is still the case; convI2I cost is ~ 8ns - i.e. it is not big for
non-hot codepaths - uncontended mutex lock/unlock is 15-25ns. )
- x/net/trace to trace requests and connection logging (and packets ?)
- packet log; general log -> glog ?
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def main():
# XXX current neo/go/sqlite limitation: it cannot reply !empty ttrans/tobj on open
# XXX current neo/go/sqlite limitation: it cannot replay !empty ttrans/tobj on open
# -> open/close storage to get t* flushed
cluster = NEOCluster(db_list=["testdata/1.sqlite"], name="test", adapter="SQLite", clear_databases=False)
......@@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ digraph {
Cgo_r_Sgo [label=<C<sub>go</sub> read S<sub>go</sub>> style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow];
Cgo_r_Spy [label=<C<sub>go</sub> read S<sub>py</sub>> style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow];
Cleanup [label="Cleanup history"];
Post [label="Post"];
Post [label="Post" style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow];
//Cpy_patch [label=<py patch: ConnID py=go> style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow]; // C<sub>py</sub> patch for ConnID interop. with S<sub>go</sub>>];
Mmap_go [label="? io.ReaderAt via mmap"];
//Protog_fix [label="proto(go/py) compat fix" style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow];
//Mpy_vs_Sgo [label=<M<sub>py</sub> vs S<sub>go</sub>: try/fix> style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow];
io_cancel [label="? conn IO vs ctx cancel"];
load_serial_next [label=<? GetObject return += serial<sub>next</sub>>];
load_serial_next [label=<? GetObject return += serial<sub>next</sub>> style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow];
sha1_index [label="? sha1 index"];
//B_link_recv [label="Bench link.Recv1/Ask1" style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow];
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