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Commit 83c34fc3 authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

erp5: propagate instance requested state to children instances

when stopping an erp5 cluster instance, other sub instances like mariadb, zodb, etc. will stay
started. Only the root instance will be stopped. This is because the root instance doesn't send
his state to children.

Add state in default requested now allow sub instances to be requested with parent state.
parent 357bfbf3
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ md5sum = 0969fbb25b05c02ef3c2d437b2f4e1a0
filename =
md5sum = 330b72acf0752cce5da70b1fcdfac487
md5sum = 3864676250334cbc0fef243c897f3a11
filename = dummy.cfg
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ md5sum = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
filename =
md5sum = 9f8851af5faed9d1e346d7dbe0e6db5d
md5sum = 3ead44530bb2126101b56a8f24608879
filename =
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
{% set crl_update_period = slapparameter_dict.get('caucase', {}).pop('crl-update-periodicity', 'daily') -%}
<= request-common-base
state = {{ instance_state }}
config-use-ipv6 = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('use-ipv6', False)) }}
{% macro request(name, software_type, config_key, config, ret={'url': True}, key_config={}) -%}
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ template = {{ template_erp5 }}
filename = instance-erp5.cfg
extra-context =
key default_cloudooo_url dynamic-template-erp5-parameters:default-cloudooo-url
key instance_state slap-configuration:instance-state
key jupyter_enable_default dynamic-template-erp5-parameters:jupyter-enable-default
key local_bt5_repository dynamic-template-erp5-parameters:local-bt5-repository
key template_monitor dynamic-template-erp5-parameters:template-monitor
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