Commit 82a7e614 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Add methods to check simulation trees using expand() in a non-persistent way

Useful to check that 'portal_simulations' is properly migrated.
parent 8a5c60da
No related merge requests found
......@@ -28,8 +28,10 @@
from collections import deque
import sys
import transaction
import zope.interface
from zExceptions import ExceptionFormatter
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, interfaces
from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.Constant import PropertyGetter as ConstantGetter
......@@ -485,3 +487,38 @@ class AppliedRule(XMLObject, ExplainableMixin):
assert str not in map(type, old_dict), old_dict
return dict((k, sum(v.values(), [])) for k, v in deleted), delivery_set
def _checkExpand(self):
"""Check that expand() would not fail nor do major changes to the subobjects
Transaction is aborted after 'expand' is called.
See also SimulationTool._checkExpandAll
property_dict = {'Applied Rule': ('specialise',),
'Simulation Movement': ('delivery', 'quantity')}
def fillRuleDict():
rule_dict = {}
object_list = deque((self,))
while object_list:
document = object_list.popleft()
portal_type = document.getPortalType()
document_dict = {'portal_type': portal_type}
for property in property_dict[portal_type]:
document_dict[property] = document.getProperty(property)
rule_dict[document.getRelativeUrl()] = document_dict
object_list += document.objectValues()
return rule_dict
initial_rule_dict = fillRuleDict()
except ConflictError:
except Exception:
msg = ''.join(ExceptionFormatter.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())[1:])
final_rule_dict = fillRuleDict()
msg = "%r != %r" % (initial_rule_dict, final_rule_dict) \
if initial_rule_dict != final_rule_dict else None
return msg
......@@ -2867,6 +2867,18 @@ class SimulationTool(BaseTool):
return sequence
def _checkExpandAll(self, activate_kw={}):
"""Check all simulation trees using AppliedRule._checkExpand
portal = self.getPortalObject()
active_process = portal.portal_activities.newActiveProcess().getPath()
kw = dict(priority=3, tag='checkExpand')
kw.update(group_method_cost=1, max_retry=0,
active_process=active_process, **activate_kw)
self._recurseCallMethod('_checkExpand', min_depth=1, max_depth=1,
return active_process
from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import addToDate
class SequenceItem:
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