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Commit 8a391f26 authored by Jean-Paul Smets's avatar Jean-Paul Smets

Major rewrite

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 83456994
......@@ -37,8 +37,10 @@ from zLOG import LOG
class InvoiceTransactionRule(Rule, XMLMatrix):
Invoice Transaction Rule object make sure an Invoice in the similation
is consistent with the real invoice
Invoice Transaction Rule object generates accounting movements
for each invoice movement based on category membership and
other predicated. Template accounting movements are stored
in cells inside an instance of the InvoiceTransactionRule.
WARNING: what to do with movement split ?
......@@ -61,16 +63,53 @@ class InvoiceTransactionRule(Rule, XMLMatrix):
, PropertySheet.DublinCore
def _getMatchingCell(self, movement):
Browse all cells and test them until match found
for cell in self.getCellValueList(base_id = 'vat_per_region'):
if cell.test(movement):
LOG('Found Cell' ,0, cell.getRelativeUrl())
return cell
return None
def _getMatchingCell1(self, movement):
Browse all predicates and make sur all dimensions match
An alternate implementation left as example
dimension_dict = {} # Possible dimensions
tdimension_dict = {} # Dimensions which responded 1 on test
for predicate in self.contentValues():
if predicate.is_predicate:
if predicate.getStringIndex() not in tdimension_dict.keys() \
and predicate.test(movement):
tdimension_dict[predicate.getStringIndex()] = predicate.getRelativeUrl()
dimension_dict[predicate.getStringIndex()] = 1
if len(dimension_dict) == len(tdimension_dict):
# If all dimesions are satisfied, then return 1
cell_key = []
for matrix_range_item in self.getCellRange(base_id = 'vat_per_region'):
for range_item in matrix_range_item:
if range_item in tdimension_dict.values():
break # Just in case, make sure only one range_item per matrix_range_item
kwd = {'base_id': 'vat_per_region'}
return self.getCell(*cell_key, **kwd)
return None
def test(self, movement):
Tests if the rule (still) applies
# An invoice transaction rule applies when the movement's parent is an invoice rule
parent = movement.getParent()
parent_rule_id = parent.getSpecialiseId()
if ('default_invoice_rule' in parent_rule_id) \
or ('default_invoicing_rule' in parent_rule_id) :
return 1
parent = movement.getParentValue()
parent_rule_value = parent.getSpecialiseValue()
if parent_rule_value is None:
return 0
if parent_rule_value.getPortalType() in ('Invoicing Rule', 'Invoice Rule'):
if self._getMatchingCell(movement) is not None:
return 1
return 0
# Simulation workflow
......@@ -87,41 +126,19 @@ class InvoiceTransactionRule(Rule, XMLMatrix):
invoice_transaction_line_type = 'Simulation Movement'
# First, we need the region
my_order = applied_rule.getRootAppliedRule().getCausalityValue()
my_destination = my_order.getDestinationValue() # maybe DestinationSection instead of Destination
my_destination_address = my_destination.get('default_address')
if my_destination_address is None :
my_destination_region = None
LOG('InvoiceTransactionRule.expand :', 0, 'Problem : destination_region is None')
else :
my_destination_region = my_destination_address.getRegionValue()
#LOG('InvoiceTransactionRule.expand :', 0, repr(( 'region', my_order, my_destination, my_destination_address, my_destination_region, )))
# Then, the product line
my_invoice_line_simulation = applied_rule.getParent()
my_resource = my_invoice_line_simulation.getResourceValue()
if my_resource is None :
my_product_line = None
LOG('InvoiceTransactionRule.expand :', 0, 'Problem : product_line is None')
else :
my_product_line = my_resource.getProductLineValue()
#LOG('InvoiceTransactionRule.expand :', 0, repr(( 'product_line', my_invoice_line_simulation, my_resource, my_product_line, )))
# Finally, the InvoiceTransactionRule Matrix
my_invoice_transaction_rule = applied_rule.getSpecialiseValue()
# First, get the simulation movement we were expanded from
my_invoice_line_simulation = applied_rule.getParentValue()
# Next, we can try to expand the rule
if force or \
(applied_rule.getLastExpandSimulationState() not in self.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList() and \
applied_rule.getLastExpandSimulationState() not in self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList()):
# get the corresponding Cell
new_kw = (('product_line', my_product_line), ('region', my_destination_region))
my_cell = my_invoice_transaction_rule.getCellByPredicate(*new_kw) #XXX WARNING ! : my_cell can be None
#LOG('InvoiceTransactionRule.expand :', 0, repr(( 'cell', my_cell, my_invoice_transaction_rule.contentValues(), len(my_invoice_transaction_rule.searchFolder()), )))
# Find a matching cell
my_cell = self._getMatchingCell(my_invoice_line_simulation)
if my_cell is not None :
my_cell_transaction_id_list = map(lambda x : x.getId(), my_cell.contentValues())
my_cell_transaction_id_list = my_cell.contentIds()
else :
my_cell_transaction_id_list = []
......@@ -130,7 +147,7 @@ class InvoiceTransactionRule(Rule, XMLMatrix):
# those that we don't need
for movement in applied_rule.objectValues():
if movement.getId() not in my_cell_transaction_id_list :
# movement.flushActivity(invoke=0) XXX never use it
# Add every movement from the Matrix to the Simulation
......@@ -143,6 +160,8 @@ class InvoiceTransactionRule(Rule, XMLMatrix):
#LOG('InvoiceTransactionRule.expand :', 0, repr(( 'movement', simulation_movement, transaction_line.getSource(), transaction_line.getDestination(), (my_invoice_line_simulation.getQuantity() * my_invoice_line_simulation.getPrice()) * transaction_line.getQuantity() )))
simulation_movement._edit(source = transaction_line.getSource()
, destination = transaction_line.getDestination()
, source_section = my_invoice_line_simulation.getSourceSection()
, destination_section = my_invoice_line_simulation.getDestinationSection()
, quantity = (my_invoice_line_simulation.getQuantity() * my_invoice_line_simulation.getPrice())
* transaction_line.getQuantity()
# calculate (quantity * price) * cell_quantity
......@@ -233,7 +252,6 @@ class InvoiceTransactionRule(Rule, XMLMatrix):
for k in cell_range_key_list :
c = self.newCell(*k, **kwd)
c.edit( mapped_value_property_list = ( 'title',),
predicate_operator = 'SUPERSET_OF',
predicate_category_list = filter(lambda k_item: k_item is not None, k),
title = 'Transaction %s' % repr(map(lambda k_item : self.restrictedTraverse(k_item).getTitle(), k)),
force_update = 1
......@@ -243,48 +261,4 @@ class InvoiceTransactionRule(Rule, XMLMatrix):
cell_range_id_list = self.getCellRangeIdList(base_id = base_id)
for k in cell_range_id_list :
if self.get(k) is not None :
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getCellByPredicate')
def getCellByPredicate(self, *kw) :
Returns the cell that match the *kw predicate.
*kw is a list of couple (base_category_title, category) we want to test against the predicates
base_id = 'vat_per_region'
kwd = {'base_id': base_id}
predicate_list = self.InvoiceTransactionRule_asCellRange() # This is a site dependent script
portal_url = getToolByName(self, 'portal_url')
class Dummy(UserDict) :
def isMemberOf(self, category) :
if category in :
return 1
return 0
def getProperty(self, key) :
my_dummy = Dummy()
for (k,v) in kw :
if hasattr(v, 'getCategoryRelativeUrl') :
else :
selected_predicate_list = []
# predicate_list is a list of list of predicate, each dimension is one sublist
for predicate_dimension_item_list in predicate_list :
for predicate in predicate_dimension_item_list :
# test predicate against *kw and append to selected_predicate_list if they match
predicate = portal_url.restrictedTraverse(predicate)
if predicate.test(my_dummy) :
break # we only want to add one predicate per dimension to the list
# LOG('cellByPredicate', 0, repr(( 'after', predicate, selected_predicate_list )))
# LOG('cellByPredicate', 0, repr(( 'after loop', predicate_dimension_item_list, selected_predicate_list )))
return self.getCell(*selected_predicate_list, **kwd)
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