Commit 3656b5db authored by Stan Hu's avatar Stan Hu

Merge branch 'issues/15127' into 'master'

fix #15127 ActiveJob::DeserializationError thrown

`send_devise_notification` pre-maturely enqueued the task when the user instance
has not yet been committed into the database, causing a record-not-found in the
other sidekiq process.

`devise-async` has already been taking care of asynchronous mail sending, we just
need to run it inside queue `mailers` instead of `mailer` to enable it.

The implementation of `devise-async` enqueues the task in `after_commit` hook
which is the right way to do it.

See merge request !3647
parents 4607323e e4d9d4e5
...@@ -789,11 +789,6 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base ...@@ -789,11 +789,6 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base])])
end end
# Added according to
def send_devise_notification(notification, *args)
devise_mailer.send(notification, self, *args).deliver_later
def ensure_external_user_rights def ensure_external_user_rights
return unless self.external? return unless self.external?
Devise::Async.backend = :sidekiq Devise::Async.backend = :sidekiq
Devise::Async.queue = :mailers
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