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Commit 09493ad0 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

Reorganise html to text tests and add test for html entities

parent 8b8d9439
......@@ -179,17 +179,27 @@ class TestERP5Web(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEqual('text/html', page.getContentType())
self.assertEqual('<b>OK</b>', page.getTextContent())
def test_02a_WebPageAsText(self):
def test_WebPageAsTextUTF8(self):
"""Check if Web Page's asText() returns utf-8 string correctly
Check if Web Page's asText() returns utf-8 string correctly and
if it is wrapped by certian column width.
# disable portal_transforms cache
self.portal.portal_transforms.max_sec_in_cache = -1
page = self.web_page_module.newContent(portal_type='Web Page')
page.edit(text_content='<p>Hé Hé Hé!</p>')
page.edit(text_content='<p>Hé Hé Hé!</p>', content_type='text/html')
self.assertEqual('Hé Hé Hé!', page.asText().strip())
def test_WebPageAsTextHTMLEntities(self):
"""Check if Web Page's asText() converts html entities properly
page = self.web_page_module.newContent(portal_type='Web Page')
page.edit(text_content='<p>H&eacute;!</p>', content_type='text/html')
self.assertEqual('Hé!', page.asText().strip())
def test_WebPageAsTextWrap(self):
"""Check if Web Page's asText() is wrapped by certain column width.
page = self.web_page_module.newContent(portal_type='Web Page')
page.edit(text_content='<p>Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé!</p>')
self.assertEqual("""Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé Hé
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