Commit 83906856 authored by Yoshinori Okuji's avatar Yoshinori Okuji
Browse files

2008-04-11 yo

* Disable auto focus for forms which do not have an element with the autofocus class.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent ba5e04fd
......@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ function clickSaveButton(act) {\n
// The first input element with an "autofocus" class will get the focus,\n
// else if no element have autofocus class, the first element wich is not the\n
// search field will get the focus. This is generaly the title input text of\n
// else if no element have autofocus class, the first element which is not the\n
// search field will get the focus. This is generally the title input text of\n
// a view\n
function autoFocus() {\n
var first_autofocus_expr = ".//input[@class=\'autofocus\']"\n
......@@ -85,11 +85,12 @@ function autoFocus() {\n
if (input) {\n
var first_text_input_expr = ".//input[@type=\'text\'][@name != \'field_your_search_text\']"\n
var first_text_input = document.evaluate(first_text_input_expr, document, null, FIRST_RESULT, null).singleNodeValue;\n
if (first_text_input){\n
// The following is disabled, because it is too annoying to have an auto focus at everywhere.\n
//var first_text_input_expr = ".//input[@type=\'text\'][@name != \'field_your_search_text\']"\n
//var first_text_input = document.evaluate(first_text_input_expr, document, null, FIRST_RESULT, null).singleNodeValue;\n
//if (first_text_input){\n
// first_text_input.focus();\n
2008-04-11 yo
* Disable auto focus for forms which do not have an element with the autofocus class.
2008-03-27 ivan
* Update MochiKit JS library to 1.4
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