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Commit 85c42b3c authored by Aurel's avatar Aurel Committed by Jérome Perrin

when on web-site, use the notification message reference defined

also make redirection stay on website
parent 5df483be
......@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ if context.hasDocumentReference():\n
message_reference = context.getDocumentReference()\n
message_reference = portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredCredentialPasswordRecoveryMessageReference()\n
if message_reference is None:\n
raise ValueError, "Preference not configured"\n
if message_reference is None:\n
raise ValueError, "Preference not configured"\n
notification_message = portal.NotificationTool_getDocumentValue(message_reference,\n
......@@ -63,7 +63,10 @@ for person in person_list:\n
usernames = " ".join(usernames)\n
reference_list = [x.getReference() for x in person_list]\n
message_reference = portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredCredentialUsernameRecoveryMessageReference()\n
if context.hasDocumentReference():\n
message_reference = context.getDocumentReference()\n
message_reference = portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredCredentialUsernameRecoveryMessageReference()\n
if message_reference is None:\n
raise ValueError, "Preference not configured"\n
......@@ -56,14 +56,19 @@
portal = context.getPortalObject()\n
person_module = portal.getDefaultModule(\'Person\')\n
request = context.REQUEST\n
web_site = context.getWebSiteValue()\n
if web_site:\n
request.set("came_from", web_site.absolute_url())\n
if choice == "password":\n
request = context.REQUEST\n
request.set(\'reference\', reference)\n
portal_preferences = context.portal_preferences\n
result = person_module.searchFolder(reference={\'query\': reference, \'key\': \'ExactMatch\'})\n
if len(result) != 1:\n
portal_status_message = context.Base_translateString("Can\'t find corresponding person, it\'s not possible to update your credentials.")\n
return context.Base_redirect(\'login_form\', keep_items = dict(portal_status_message=portal_status_message ))\n
if web_site:\n
return web_site.Base_redirect(\'login_form\', keep_items = dict(portal_status_message=portal_status_message ))\n
return portal.Base_redirect(\'login_form\', keep_items = dict(portal_status_message=portal_status_message ))\n
person = result[0]\n
......@@ -93,7 +98,9 @@ elif choice == "username":\n
result = portal.portal_catalog(portal_type="Email", parent_portal_type="Person", **query_kw)\n
if len(result) == 0:\n
portal_status_message = context.Base_translateString("Can\'t find corresponding person, it\'s not possible to update your credentials.")\n
return context.Base_redirect(\'login_form\', keep_items = dict(portal_status_message=portal_status_message ))\n
if web_site:\n
return web_site.Base_redirect(\'login_form\', keep_items = dict(portal_status_message=portal_status_message ))\n
return portal.Base_redirect(\'login_form\', keep_items = dict(portal_status_message=portal_status_message ))\n
person_list = [x.getParentValue() for x in result]\n
return context.ERP5Site_newCredentialRecovery(default_email_text=default_email_text, person_list=person_list)\n
</string> </value>
......@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ def createCredentialRecovery(**kw):\n
portal = context.getPortalObject()\n
portal_preferences = portal.portal_preferences\n
keep_items = {}\n
web_site = context.getWebSiteValue()\n
document_reference = None\n
if default_email_text is not None:\n
# Case for recovery of username\n
if person_list is None:\n
......@@ -74,14 +75,19 @@ if default_email_text is not None:\n
result = portal.portal_catalog(portal_type="Email", parent_portal_type="Person", **query_kw)\n
if len(result) == 0:\n
portal_status_message = portal.Base_translateString("Can\'t find corresponding person, it\'s not possible to update your credentials.")\n
if web_site:\n
return web_site.Base_redirect(\'login_form\', keep_items = dict(portal_status_message=portal_status_message ))\n
return portal.Base_redirect(\'login_form\', keep_items = dict(portal_status_message=portal_status_message ))\n
person_list = [x.getObject().getParentValue() for x in result]\n
# Create recovery\n
message = "We have sent you an email containing your username(s). Please check your inbox and your junk/spam mail for this email."\n
if web_site:\n
document_reference = web_site.getCredentialUsernameRecoveryMessageReference() \n
# Case for recovery of password\n
......@@ -90,10 +96,11 @@ else:\n
result = person_module.searchFolder(reference=reference)\n
if len(result) != 1:\n
portal_status_message = portal.Base_translateString("Can\'t find corresponding person, it\'s not possible to recover your credentials.")\n
return context.Base_redirect(\'\', keep_items = dict(portal_status_message=portal_status_message ))\n
if web_site:\n
web_site.Base_redirect(\'\', keep_items = dict(portal_status_message=portal_status_message ))\n
return portal.Base_redirect(\'\', keep_items = dict(portal_status_message=portal_status_message ))\n
person_list = [result[0].getObject(),]\n
# Check the response\n
person = person_list[0]\n
......@@ -103,15 +110,20 @@ else:\n
question_answer = question_answer and question_answer.lower()\n
answer = default_credential_question_answer and default_credential_question_answer.lower() or \'\'\n
message = "We have sent you an email to enable you to reset your password. Please check your inbox and your junk/spam mail for this email and follow the link to reset your password."\n
if web_site:\n
document_reference = web_site.getCredentialPasswordRecoveryMessageReference()\n
if (question_title or question_free_text) and (answer == question_answer):\n
elif (question_free_text is None and question_answer is None) or \\\n
not portal_preferences.isPreferredAskCredentialQuestion():\n
message = "You didn\'t enter the correct answer."\n
......@@ -120,6 +132,8 @@ else:\n
\'reference\': reference}\n
keep_items[\'portal_status_message\'] = portal.Base_translateString(message)\n
if web_site:\n
return web_site.Base_redirect(form_id=\'login_form\', keep_items=keep_items)\n
return portal.Base_redirect(form_id=\'login_form\', keep_items=keep_items)\n
</string> </value>
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