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Commit b737b469 authored by Tomáš Peterka's avatar Tomáš Peterka Committed by Tomáš Peterka

[hal_json_style] Prefer getter over attribute on raw objects

Fixes bug /#/bug_module/20171211-153B610

/reviewed-on nexedi/erp5!526
parent e579ec15
......@@ -191,13 +191,22 @@ def getAttrFromAnything(search_result, select, search_property_getter, search_pr
if "." in select:
select = select[select.rindex('.') + 1:]
# prepare accessor/getter name because this must be the first tried possibility
# getter is preferred way how to obtain properties - property itself is the second
if not select.startswith('get') and select[0] not in string.ascii_uppercase:
# maybe a hidden getter (variable accessible by a getter)
accessor_name = 'get' + UpperCase(select)
# or obvious getter (starts with "get" or Capital letter - Script)
accessor_name = select
# 1. resolve attribute on a raw object (all wrappers removed) using
# lowest-level secure getattr method given object type
raw_search_result = search_result
if hasattr(search_result, 'aq_base'):
raw_search_result = search_result.aq_base
if search_property_hasser(raw_search_result, select):
# BUT! only if there is no accessor (because that is the prefered way)
if search_property_hasser(raw_search_result, select) and not hasattr(raw_search_result, accessor_name):
contents_value = search_property_getter(raw_search_result, select)
# 2. use the fact that wrappers (brain or acquisition wrapper) use
......@@ -207,12 +216,6 @@ def getAttrFromAnything(search_result, select, search_property_getter, search_pr
unwrapped_search_result = search_result.aq_self
if contents_value is None:
if not select.startswith('get') and select[0] not in string.ascii_uppercase:
# maybe a hidden getter (variable accessible by a getter)
accessor_name = 'get' + UpperCase(select)
# or obvious getter (starts with "get" or Capital letter - Script)
accessor_name = select
# again we check on a unwrapped object to avoid acquisition resolution
# which would certainly find something which we don't want
......@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ return [Object(debit_price=1000.00, credit_price=100.00),
Object(debit_price=10.00, credit_price=0.00)]
@simulate('Test_listProducts', '*args, **kwargs', """
return context.getPortalObject().foo_module.values()
return context.getPortalObject().foo_module.contentValues()
@simulate('Test_listCatalog', '*args, **kwargs', """
return context.getPortalObject().portal_catalog(portal_type='Foo', sort_on=[('id', 'ASC')])
......@@ -1058,6 +1058,59 @@ return context.getPortalObject().portal_catalog(portal_type='Foo', sort_on=[('id
self.assertEqual(result_dict['_embedded']['contents'][1]['getTotalQuantity'], 0)
class TestERP5Person_getHateoas_mode_search(ERP5HALJSONStyleSkinsMixin):
"""Test HAL_JSON operations on cataloged Persons and other allowed content types of Person Module."""
def afterSetUp(self):
self.person = self.portal.person_module.newContent(
portal_type='Person', first_name="Benoit", last_name="Mandelbrot")
def beforeTearDown(self):
@simulate('Base_getRequestUrl', '*args, **kwargs', 'return ""')
@simulate('Base_getRequestHeader', '*args, **kwargs', 'return "application/hal+json"')
@simulate('Test_listPersons', '*args, **kwargs', """
return context.getPortalObject().person_module.contentValues(portal_type="Person")
@simulate('Test_listPersonsCatalog', '*args, **kwargs', """
return context.getPortalObject().portal_catalog.searchResults(portal_type="Person")
def test_getHateoas_person_title_search(self):
"""Person has amazing property of having attribute "title" and "getTitle" with different return values.
Value resolution must prefer getter over raw attribute.
fake_request = do_fake_request("GET")
result = self.portal.web_site_module.hateoas.ERP5Document_getHateoas(
local_roles=["Assignor", "Assignee"],
select_list=['title'] # attribute which must be resolved through getter
result_dict = json.loads(result)
titles = [result['title'] for result in result_dict['_embedded']['contents']]
# getTitle() composes title from first_name and last_name while attribute "title" remains empty
self.assertIn("Benoit Mandelbrot", titles)
result = self.portal.web_site_module.hateoas.ERP5Document_getHateoas(
local_roles=["Assignor", "Assignee"],
select_list=['title'] # attribute which must be resolved through getter
result_dict = json.loads(result)
titles = [result['title'] for result in result_dict['_embedded']['contents']]
# getTitle() composes title from first_name and last_name while attribute "title" remains empty
self.assertIn("Benoit Mandelbrot", titles)
class TestERP5PDM_getHateoas_mode_search(ERP5HALJSONStyleSkinsMixin):
"""This class allows ticking for Movements to be picked up by activities."""
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